never mentioned salv actually.
When did I say that fury/prot becomes better was it maybe around the time that fire mages start becoming the norm instead of frost bolt spam? Those are a coincidence but still its almost like fury/prot scales with gear and before you have the gear the difference is negotiable at best and a false sense of superiority at worst from people who have not looked into the threat numbers, shield slam dose a flat 250 extra threat before modifications from def stance + damage to out scale that you need to do more than 250 more damage per 6 seconds.
Like I said if you need your tank to be a dps you have bigger problems. If you cant kill MC and BWL bosses without that extra DPS you will never clear AQ or Naxx
Ok, so you are deep prot with sword and board.
What spells do you use when tanking?
What level are you?
Yh but your forgettimg the damage yout take ![:rofl: :rofl:](
I agree warrs sucked major butt in vanilla bc back then none of the classes were setup as they needed to be.
By time wrath rolls round only then are warrior tanks comming into their own.
For eg rend clap thats end wrath/ cata .
B4 this thunderclap was tuned to hit all targets in wrath b4 that in tbc its only hit 3 or 4 random targets which kinda sucked, add to that if you want to aoe you only had tc or cleave.
Also cleave didnt really do much threat but was worth it to keep at least some aoe.
When blizz redid classic some qol would have been good, and not just for warrs either pallies constantly have to reseal and they dont have a taunt.
Im not saying add cs cos that would be op af in vanilla im saying not having to reseal after every judgment and maybe a 5 min duration on them.
Obv these changes would need to be balanced out across all classes but you get where im comming from i hope.
Its my personal feeling here that the only really relavent tank in classic vanilla mark 3 is the druid, they have it all aoe taunts charge etc etc so im gnna roll a dudu tank based on that. As soon as tbc comes round im hitting the dran palla tank button.
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