Warrior tanking in-until BC


I’m slow but getting there. Looking for some thoughts of yours to make an informed decision on how to proceed.


2019: I rolled several, including a frost mage to quest, a resto druid and prot pally to dungeon. Was fun, but ran out of time. More dungeons on mage than expected. My love for mage didn’t carry over to BC.

2024: I only created a prot warrior (recreation of a WLK-Cata one) and the resto druid. The latter is fine and slightly ahead. The prot warrior, well. I was hoping my superior skills would overpower the meta, but no. Doesn’t help that I’m wearing 12 levels old gear and my cash levels aren’t encouraging AH splurge. Ultimately, I find that paladin is a much superior tank. Thing is, my race-class combo I want isn’t available yet. I also didn’t roll need on 2h, so I have none.


  • Q1: Will sword’n’board warrior be a nice thing in BC?
  • Q2: Will sword’n’board warrior be better as I approach 40-60 in Classic?
  • Q3: Is 2H tanking really that great? If I have good gear otherwise? Sure, there are several shield abilities, such as the interrupt. Guess I could pretend being a DK…
    • I decided to prot because that way I take less damage, and a loose mob isn’t bad at all, easier even. But if I have no control whatsoever - which is the case - then I’m not mitigating damage, so the entire point is moot.

Basically, I can

  • carry on as is (classified a noob for a short while)
  • park my warrior, focus on druid, and level the warrior by the BC launch by questing
  • drop the warrior (unlikely) and play other editions instead.

What are your thoughts?

prot warrior is the worst tank and worse spec to use warriors for in raids. you would rather just have a fury if u run 1 phys grp, at least 1 fury and an arms if u run multiple phys grps.

In classic fury is always a better tank spec than deep prot. As for arms 2h tanking it’s good because of the big burst of threat u get, u can still kick in berserker stance with 2h, as you will have tactical mastery unlike fury prot

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Don’t listen to him, this guy tells the worst silly things I’ve seen on this forum.

Q1: Yes.

Q2: Until the raid at Classic, you can tank in any build, just keep a shield, 1H weapon on you, defensive Posture, a ranged weapon and you’re good. The hardest part will be to find a group of players with enough neurons to play normally and not thinking that a Tank in Classic keeps the aggro as soon as he slaps a mob. And if you want to spec Def at lvl40 it’s viable, just slow, and you’ll prefer XP in dungeons.

Q3: No it’s not great, it’s just the new fad of Classic players because the Holy Word of the min-maxers/guides/Youtube vidz told them that it was LIKE THAT AND NOT OTHERWISE THAT WE MUST DO. However, you can do it for dungeons up to a certain point and if your group is relatively good and solid.

Sincerely, do not ask the opinion of the players here, do what you like to play, otherwise you will just confront the fanaticism of the players who think they know everything better than others.


you are giving toxic advice. sure u can clear the content with any class or spec, but u will also be playing with much worse players and wasting time only to realize the meta exists for a reason.

Also not following the meta is toxic as you waste others time, just as being bad at the game is toxic

You play and you live like a Bot, you follow the path and do what others tell you to do. Good boy.

OP, I don’t pretend to tell you what to do, I just told you what you can do. Free to you to choose. Some obviously no longer have enough free will for this.

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no ive played every class and played classic since 2015. i know this game better than u will ever do

So you played Classic 4 years before it was officially released in August 2019? Indeed, I bow to so much experience. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

I will not answer more, so as not to pollute this topic more by responding to this kind of idiocy.

yes, the reason they released classic was because of private servers. you would spread less idiocy if you didn’t speak about topics u are clueless of

Prot beats fury/prot before you have gear, its around equal until BWL in terms of threat with world buffs after that fury/prot beats it and no one needs the extra dps that a fury/prot provieds vs a deep prot at the early stages ether.

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I was just hoping to get some fresh input.
Even if contradicting, it can be useful.

The thing is, I don’t like to perform badly. I’ve read a lot of warrior praise previously.

The paladin can taunt three targets at once, and works quite well with ret aura. Probably takes Consecration first, but Holy Shield is nice as well. Stun to slow things. Salvation.

I’ve just healed a bear, he kept charging in form. He had good threat, and when a mob went loose, it was just a charge away.

On the warrior, the mage just casts Blizzard and everything - including my target with 4 sunders - walks away on the first tick. I also seem to have like 50% hit chance, including Revenge. Furthermore, I’ve been reading about some quest rewards and using several pieces with +armor +defense, so my tps is likely petty. I feel utterly misled.

A plausible consolidation is that people really moved to dump mode, everybody follows optimum build and stats, and that changed the tank’s job. I’m often seeing dungeon elite health dropping by 30-50% from a single warrior swing, but rogues also pride themselves hitting for 25-40%. Those are effective taunts. (And then rage transfers from the character to the player.)

I want my WLK prot paladin :sob: :shield:

Well paladins cant taunt at all until tbc.

I would suggest that you spend points in the arms tree until you have anger management and you will be able to swap to zerker and then charge while in combat as well

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Thank you.
I made my decision - I am stopping tanking. (At least for the next two months.)

I just realized that being poor also annoys me.
Healing is at least fun, and if I do absolutely nothing outside dungeons, I shouldn’t worry about gold or having a mount, right? I don’t even need consumables or enchants.

On the upside, it won’t take 9 calendar months to achieve 60. :slight_smile:

You won’t perform badly by being spe Arm sword and board tank and once lvl40 you can even reroll prot and perform properly in dungeons and later in Raid. The problem with min-maxers is that they consider a build to be rotten if it performs 3% less than another. So, once again, play what you like, you’ll be fine.

You don’t need +def before the Raid.

If you focus on your druid, know that druid tank at TBC is excellent.

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bro ur highest dps ever in mc was 374. we are not talkign about the same game. Prot warrior is GARBAGE compared to fury even before 60. deep prot is never better in classic.

That is the dumbest sheep comment ever…

Sajuuk here keeps slapping ur bot-brain face with hard facts and you keep showing everyone that you have zero spine or a personal opinion. Why do people like you even play games? It’s obviously not for fun. Do you really enjoy the brainless hamsterwheel you are forcing on urself or do lack even the slightest willpower to get out of it?
Keep following the „Meta bis-List“ of your favourite streamer you dull little sheep… meeeeh :sheep:

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he said nothing. everyone knows u can clear the game with 0 talent points spent, but why would u? you are literally just holding back ur team.

Imagine joining a soccer team and saying u wanna play but u will only jump on one leg. You look like an idiot and you just hold your teammates back.

He and you are both bad at the game and want others to be bad aswell. You are on these forums helping no one only wanting to keep others back with you as you refuse to learn and adapt. Countless peple have tried doing complete anti meta stuff like retri, prot pala, enhance, elemental, boomkin, shadow etc. They will never be good with how the game is, the people that want to try it out of curiosity against advice will do so regardless, enjoy playing with them. But they will eventually reach the same conclusion everyone has.

Now go back to 2019 classic and look for the same name I played on stonespine, I know what im talking about. If you look in phase 3&4 you will see me as deep prot, phase 5 you will see me as fury/prot, a tip is to look at BWL for example, the parses are not the greatest from me but people never had a problem with my threat and if you need the tank to deal damage to be able to kill bosses you have big problems already as it is.

And for my dps this time around you should know I dinged 60 the day before that raid (unless you are actually looking at my logs from last sunday when I was 59) I dont have any gear to speak of at all and if you look at the logs in any deepth at all you can see that im clearly speced as fury/prot and not fury/arms as im a OT with 0 gear… and for like 2 fights im speced deep prot, less dps aka worse parses but no diffrence in ability to hold threat at all and slightly more parry from being able to put more points into the arms tree.

Your record in P4 was a 532 dps as tank. My lowest DPS on my war was never less than double that. There is no way you hold aggro from warriors doing 2.5-3k DPS playing like u do. Even ur best DPS log on vael was only 860. People do more than that without buffs on bosses in MC.

Most of your vael tank logs are 200 or lower dps

And yet no one ever complained, I have never claimed to be in a top 100 guild or anything like that, you are talking about the highest end of raiding when you say those numbers of dps, and for 99% of people playing this game those raids are not what is actually being done. No I could probbably not hold against someone outputting at the level of a 90-100 parse, but that wasnt what I played with most of the time.

And for what my dps log was its irrelevant as thats just me being a OT who never had to step in on those logs… You do remember that we only had 1 spec untill wrath on the normal classic realms right? I had tanking gear no matter what I did and I had sub optimal weapons, I had the Quel and Dooms edge for that one as that was when I had just respeced to fury/prot. And now go and look at my phase 5 for the same raid and you will see masive dps increases but it dosnt translate to much more stable fights threat wise in my semi cassual guilds that I have been in.

And just a reminder most people play at a semi casual level not at a level where they have dps that output 3k dps

For half the people (or more) playing horde your advice would be even more misleading, as they don’t have salv. It also doesn’t really matter if people didn’t complain, low tank threat would certainly keep fire mages back and higher DPS output from tank also helps your raid clear things and for more casual guilds could be enough to make the difference between a wipe or a kill.