Warriors dead on arrival next phase

  1. Warriors - Rage is a problematic mechanic because more damage = more rage = more damage = more rage ad infinitum. This is going to become more problematic at 60 as well. If we had it to do over again, we’d likely have normalized rage (i.e. you don’t get extra rage when you do more damage/crit) at the start of the season and focused on major changes to their gameplay to compensate. The way it works now really hamstrings the design options for Warriors as we have to worry about the historically best dps in the game becoming even better later and forcing us to do an absolutely massive nerf which everyone would hate. To you, what would be a good trade for some form of normalized rage at 60 if we had to do such a thing?

Aggrend’s post on X.

3 phases of warriors being dog poo in pvp and 4th phase instead of rune rework we get tune for pve.

Literally pvp dead class on arrival.


Blizzard could honestly ignore Warriors in PvE and we’d be fine. We don’t need changing in PvE. No matter what Warriors will ALWAYS scale with gear and be wrecking balls in raids.

However, why are Warriors still playing Vanilla in SoD PvP? Take a look at our Runes below…

Flagellation - Nothing to press.
Blood Frenzy - Nothing to press.
Warbringer - Nothing to press.
Precise Timing - Nothing to press.
Focused Rage - Nothing to press.
Blood Surge - Nothing to press.
Furious Thunder - Nothing to press.
Consumed by Rage - Nothing to press.
Frenzied Assault - Nothing to press.
Endless Rage - Nothing to press.
Devastate - Nothing to press.
Single-Minded Fury - Nothing to press.
Gladiator Stance - Nothing to press.
Taste for Blood - Nothing to press.
Sword and Board - Nothing to press.
Shield Mastery - Nothing to press.
Wrecking Crew - Nothing to press.
Rampage - In reality this is the ONLY button that warriors could press from their runes and it’s worse than Wrecking Crew.

Enraged Regeneration - Worse than a bandage, needs to be enraged to use it. Does NOTHING for how we play.
Intervene - Basically just ‘Charge’ but doesn’t do anything for PvE. Does NOTHING for how we play.
Rallying cry - Decent waste of a GCD at least. So exciting that I can ruin my parse to keep the tank alive for an extra hit. Does NOTHING for how we play.
Victory Rush - Amazing ability made awful by how it procs (Unable to take in PvE due to nothing dying during a boss fight and unable to take in PVP due to it only procing when you get the killing blow). The 30% heal, up form 10% is nice, however it ONLY procs off a killing Blow, so most of the time I’m not even able to use this ability. If this was a honorable kill proc, it would be decent.
Vigilance - It’s only for Tank and it simply just a threat button.

So we’re left with these 2 abilities that are actually buttons we press to change our 20 year old rotation:

Raging Blow - 80% weapon damage… (Unable to take in PvE due to Flagellation and unable to take in PVP due to Warbringer).
Quick Strike - It hits [80] damage at the cost of 18 rage. Enough said as to why it isn’t taken. If we take this ability we can’t press Slam.

I beg Blizzard… Give us something new to try and don’t give me some PVE nonsense.

I PLEAD… Give us the following:

Bladestorm: At most this helps clear trash faster, but does nothing to improve our PvE parse.
Spell Reflect: Doesn’t affect PvE at all.
Ignore Pain: Doesn’t affect PvE at all.
Heroic Leap: Doesn’t affect PvE at all.


that why i rerolled from warrior the moment i saw the runes in p3

Blizz approach to warrior is complete joke showing how little they understand the class

Warrior vanilla-
little to no utility
Best scaling in the expo

Blizz solution to the warrior problem in sod-
Add no utility
Add more scaling abilites

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SOD is not pvp expantion, all balance changes are done only for pve. If you want pvp go cata or other game.

you held no right to tell me where should i go, i’m a customer like you and i have every right to express my opinion here

and you point was valid, dispersion wouldn’t be reducing damage taken, there would be no ranged stuns for rogues etc.

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Lead developer claims X is problematic, proceeds to do nothing about the problem.

Yep, sounds about right.

Idk that u talking about but my guildie on war just did 2.5k dps in ST.
About pvp they r strong still as any other class or spec just need to press buttons I guess.

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I have yet to see a warrior hit over 700 with a crit of MS against people with half a braincell.

A single crit of void plague on my spriest hits as hard as a Mortal Strike crit. My hunter’s pet deals over twice as much dps as any other warrior I encountered in a battleground or wpvp. My rogue’s mutilate hits for 700 non crit on plate.

No, warriors aren’t fine. They are a complete joke. You can determine with great accuracy who’s going to win and lose a battleground based on which side has more warriors. It’s pathetic how hard Blizzard dropped the ball with Warriors


playing war in any pvp environment is just an unpleasant and depressing experience

that’s why i rerolled a rogue and have fun

Im pretty worried now about SoD now, everyone’s been complaining about things, which I can handle

it’s the fact blizz just asked the community how to fix their game for them, they did not plan this through and have no idea how to solve class issues now

Sign of desperation?

Hope all those twitter users put in some good suggestions for the team

They are not asking for feedback they are asking how to fix their game for them

Looks like the players are the Dev’s now

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warbringer and flagellation being in the same slot are much bigger issue than anything else. in the game where half of the casters have one-shot buttons by default and the other half are unstoppable kiters. Forsaking either 25% dmg or ability to untangle yourself is path to nowhere.


Why did they nerf SP / Boomkin to oblivion at the start of S2 then?

They are now absolute bottom dps in PVE. The pvp nerf sure did not help.

Why did they remove Soul Link from Metalock? Pvp nerf again putting pve tank lock from MT to OT.

There is probably plenty of other examples.

Victory rush is amazing now after the buff tho lol. No eating when lvling at all hehe

Aggrend needs to be fired.

He has become a problem in the dev team.

I am starting to dislike the sod devs since all they know how to do is make retail.


He is completely right though. The way rage works on classic is a problem whether you like it or not.
And it is also the main reason warrior runes are boring as hell. By all means normalize rage generation and give warriors more interesting runes to play with.

If this means reworking ALL the runes in order to nerf Rage gen I’m fine with it.
At this point I hope there won’t be any new runes in p4 and instead they’re mostly reworking trash runes.

For PvE Warriors have had some amazing additions to the game. Warriors in PvE are completely broken. The SoD Devs have absolutely ruined end game for players as with all these scaling multipliers they’re going to be uncatchable when scaling with end game gear. Then the forums are going to be flooded with “Here we go again” comments. It’s such an easy fix. The Dev’s simply need to ignore Warriors in PvE and focus on PvP runes that do nothing for PvE.

This quote explains the problem perfectly…

It’s honestly a joke :smiley:

My advice, do as I did and stop playing wazzer. I gave up in P2 at L36.


Why do i get the feeling that blizzard will normalize rage without giving warriors intresting runes to compensate.

Most likely they will remove what made warriors good without replacing it with anything, making them the worst at both pve and pvp.

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That would be very disappointing, but to be honest it can’t be more boring than those released so one can hope.

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