Warriors dead on arrival next phase

rets exist

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at least you can kill warriors, warriors can’t kill you :stuck_out_tongue:

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the only good class matchup for paladins, any other blows.

As a great man said:
If you’re playing a Warrior in pvp you’re playing a class from Classic with minor polish like Warbringer and Taste For Blood and going against classes that have a toolkit comparable to what they had in Wotlk and Cataclysm.

To do what another class does in 1/2 GCD warriors have to spend five or six times the GCDs and wait upwards of 30 seconds to generate the rage needed to use those GCDs in the first place, not to mention the cooldowns all over the place. The class does not function in SoD at the core level because of stance requirements, rage generation and the overabundance of frontloaded damage on every class and a dozen other things.

Rage gen standardization, removal of many of the stance requirements, merging of BS/CS, updating skills like Rend or Thunder Clap to be worth the rage cost without the use of a rune, updating stance effects to be more in line for the numerical values of SoD, lowering the cooldown of Recklessness/Shield Wall/Retaliation would be the most basics requirements to even begin making the class viable for pvp in SoD.

Interesting since the highest overall dps in sunken temple is 1,8k by ahlaundoe, but hey always trust random people on the internet.

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You forgot how you counter warlocks?

There is no such thing as PvP expansion in WoW. PvP is a part of the game.
What i see is, that all balance changes are not done on pve either, from start of SoD i have not seen PvE balanced: on the P1 casters was garbage, on P2 melee dps was garbage, on P3 raid was garbage, they nerfed it 4 times. Shadow priest is extremely powerful in PvP and very bad on PvE on P3, same go es for locks. Where are those balance done?!
Do we miss something that only you can see?
So, in that case we can say to you that, if you want to play PvE- go to retail?

Wow 2.5k dps the last 20% of the boss fight. Very fun for warriors. while we do less damage the rest of the fight comparing to the rest of classes 100-20% of the boss fight if we have a druid, if we got all wbfs, have all consumes.

No one ever complained that raid damage is the issue, the issue is the fact that outside of the damage in a raid u r useless solo.

Wanna fight a lvl 53 mob? gl mofo, takes 12 years, food/bandage to regen, if u pull another mob u have to use all ur CDs to live.
Wanna PvP? GL, u die mid charge in seconds to a caster. I am almost full raid geared warr with pre-bis other pieces and I lose 1v1s to a green geared rogue in a stunlock? Great.
Wanna tank? GL mofo, everyone else is better than u and u cannot hold threat on multiple targets.

Than buffs that last 2 mins only? Idm but why, if everyone got a random book that makes their buffs last 45 mins why can’t I get a quest to go to a singing lesson and learn to shout in a better way and get a … Dunno, 5 minute buff?

The list goes on. A whole warrior kit atm consists of log in for the raid to get ur 1-2 hour of fame on the meter (unless u die ofc) and than proceed to logout until u have to get new WBs since u r useless in all other content. I like my warrior much more than my druid and I spent more time on the druid than I did on my warr this phase since… well… I am able to
a) farm with no issues
b) actually sometimes win in PvP in open world
c) can tank/heal/dps


click spell check

Before answering the below quotes, I would like to say that rage normalization won’t change anything for the better, if anything it will make warrior worse, closer to the retail mess many of us hate and made many of us stop playing it.

Warrior was always unique and required skill to play, switching stances, managing the little rage and planning ahead for your next move, many times had to compensate with consumables.

Nowadays you can’t even do that, you can pop a LiP or a FaP potion to no result, you still get instantly deleted and turned into a corpse running, mumbling murloc.

Having more rage won’t make you die any slower to a paladin that bubbles for 12 seconds, to a mage/hunter that kites you into oblivion or to a rogue that keeps you in stunlock. (yes you can trinket+fap on rogues, yes you can use engineering to counter kites at times, but only 1 of 5 fights maybe if the other player is at your skill level)

In my opinion the only way to fix warriors is to make them a lot more tanky, more survivability and increased chance to hit, I am sure you can implement that in a way that won’t buff/affect warriors that enjoy PvE with a simple condition check to see if warrior is inside an instanced dungeon/raid or not and you can reduce the healing it receives slightly so that it won’t be abused when playing with many healers.

Of course, adding neat things like this would change the tides a bit https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=64382/shattering-throw

Who told you that ? I play on a PvP server and I don’t care for transition raids between phases, I rolled on a PvP server because I want to PvP. If anything, season of discovery was not advertised as a “logging simulator” for low level, meaningless (to some) raids.

I didn’t see anyone here telling you not to cry over useless logs where few warriors manage to get good dps, even though this is not meant to be a log simulator “expantion” where you compare epen size based on how many hours you farmed to prepare for a 1 hour raid that you can now clear in green items.

As far as I know is not a “logging simulator” nor is it a “who clears a level 50 raid faster simulator” either.

Is that sarcasm ? As arms warrior you are most OP when the other people are AFK or against pets that are set on passive.

Rage normalisation is the only solution to balance warriors in PVP without them being classic-level broken OP in PVE.

Warriors are already nearly the strongest dps in raids while also wearing plate, having the highest HP and highest crit rate, and being able to tank.

Any class can run into an enemy and push one button and crit between 1000-2000 damage. Warriors can’t, that’s the issue with warrior.

No other class depends on hitting a target with whites before being able to use any other attack, that’s the issue.

Warriors self heal sucks and heals for less than a bandage. In the meanwhile a feral druids frienzies regeneration heals for at least 400 per tick in bear form and can crit for 800… That’s the issue with warrior.

Victory rush needing to have a killing blow to activate, that’s an issue with warrior.

Hamstring slowing less than all other slows, that’s the issue with warrior.

Having the longest CD on defensives, that’s the issue with warriors.

Being very easily shut down by a root of any sort, that’s the issue with warriors in PvP.

Uptime on targets is very short cause of kiting, which means you can’t build rage cause you can’t hit anything. That’s the issue with warrior PvP.

Losing all but 25 rage when changing stance is an issue with warrior PvP.

All other classes got something imba for PvP, warrior got charge in combat, that’s it. Imagine all the blinks a mage can do. Ice block, frost nova, deepfreeze. Imagine how a rogue got shadowstep and a ranged stun. Hunters can shoot traps all around the place. Dual spec made priests and moonkins able to proc stuns, and it proves often.

Warriors can’t compete in SoD, just can’t compete at all.

And no, warriors isn’t more imba than any other class with a personal healer…


Every phase warriors are doomdiving and every phase the same warrior is top dps overall! Stop talking about this anymore , ur broken all over the board pve. And it will just Get Worse , pvp in this clownfiesta with A healer you can still be A killing machine.

Warriors are A joke getting out of hand real fast! Will be Even more ridicilous at 60

The real problem is the incredible unbalance between pvp and pve and the Devs not being able to handle it.
Warrior is absolutely OP in pve and does 5 times more dps than all other classes (except rogues) when played right, but it’s weak in pve.
Shadowpriest and Boomie are strong in pvp and bottom of the barrel in pve…
Only rogue is super strong in both aspects.

Personally I couldn’t care less about pve and want them to focus on pvp balance only. But a lot of people prefer it the exact opposite

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Any class is awesome with a healer behind

Guy sees Ahlaundoh topping meters with 5 chicken procs, all the armor debuffs on the boss, diamond flask 400 AP buff, and all the other class buffs and thinks it’s the same for your average warrior.


Its world buffs problem. If they delete world buffs you probably wont see a single warrior in top 100.
Also your healer argument is stupid. Anybody with a healer behind is good, its not a rocket science.

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Well do it with other classes still cant Get close to those Numbers. So its an skill issue not A class issue

It doesn’t matter. Nobody except him (and potentially 5 others) are doing this. He even said it himself that his numbers aren’t realistic and people shouldn’t compare because your average war will never achieve these numbers.