Warriors dead on arrival next phase

So its only him pulling Numbers close to that? :sweat_smile: Overall warriors are killing it! And it will only Get Worse at 60!

Again, why are you comparing the 1%? You are not in one, and you most likely never will be. Same goes for me, same goes for 99% of the forum here. Stop comparing y unrealistic numbers. They are skewed by unrealistic buffs and cheese gameplay.

Point is , warriors are top dps overall! And if you are having issues topping ur raids Thats A skill issue :blush:

And warriors will just be Even more broken pve going forward

I cannot believe giving them % scale runes is going to make them do more dmg. I AM SHOCKED. Thank god you pointed it out, you must be the smartest one in your village.

Lol the cope, the op talking about warrior dead on arrival to stating the obv. Haha! Just Get good and top dps, easy as that

You’re arguing with someone that can’t even write proper English and is obsessed with parsing in a seasonal mode of a game released 20 years ago that hasn’t even reached level cap yet.

You’re arguing with a bottomfeeder that is salty a warrior is above his grey parses, my dude.