Warriors mobility need toning down heavily

i agree with dk and assa both are completely unkiteable classes with spammable ranged slows but havoc doesnt feel harder to kite than warrior atleast not on hunter anyway


Instead than just nerfing warrior mobility, melee mobility should be nerfed accross the board, by nerfing only warrior mobility, DH will dominate much more than it allready does, have a look at the ladders, respectively 3s, SS, and rbgs.

Arms is still a kill target, after all.


How its easier to kite a warrior than feral and DH?

UhdK depends on the build, if its unholy assault kiting is effective so festermight cannot stack and it needs melee uptime, but if its commander pet build kiting is almost impossible.

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it’s not and assa + uh are completely unkitable gods to ranged


Warriors are not the reason why you are forced to post on a classic char, buddy.

Actually warrior needs some huge buffs to compete in pvp. LOWEST represented class in 3v3 over 2400. Second lowest across all pvp brackets on par with Hunters and only above Mage. Nobody plays it even in AWC.

Stay off the Cope for a second.


0 warriors in awc , warriors are not weak but neither op. Just good/ edit there was blizo in 3 rounds as war . So 1 warrior in whole awc xd


You cant kite ferals in this game. Why is that even a question?
99.9% of dks are commander build.
Dh has loads of gapclosers and good enough range on cc to connect.


There is no point discussing to kite a high mobile class most players simply can’t do it in retail, while its eaz in classic versions of wow.

99.9% of dks are commander build.

Wrong, in 3s and SS its Unholy Assault is the most played over 2,2K and 2,4k and Commanders the least played. You can use a check pvp.

I actually think its pretty underwhelming other than doing skirmishes and wpvp, just lacks the pressure of UA and Festermight.

But this unkiteableness of feral and unholy dk does not matter much after the huge nerfs both specs got, they are the least offenders now you can imagine.

I have yet to see assassin lose more than 1 game in SS lobbies for instance. Thats some kill pressure that can’t be kited, even arms ranks way behind this.

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I personally find it kind of funny how whole awc this weekend was rmx vs rmx vs thug but there are more talk about arms being OP on the forums than about assi doing the job of two on its own.
Huge congrats to Blizo’s team for making it work for a few rounds.


What is even funnier is people complaining about spear of bastion out of all the broken things in the game.
There are multiple lists from back in shadowlands up to today, where there are listed all class abilities that can get you out of spear. I believe 80% of classes can use a cd and get out.
Funny enough, warriors cannot get out of another warriors spear xD.

BTW Rogue can cloak out of my spear, but I cannot remove bleeds anymore with Bitter Immunity. Kekw “immunity”.


Imagine complaining about warrior when assa rogue exists. Have anyone actually seen them walking to their target? On the other hand what can you expect, after almost 20 years of blizz being unable to balance mage and rogue everyone just accepted its ok for them to be broken 90% of time.


Because no one watches or even care for AWC?
What does Tournament have to do with ladder or solo shuffle? Nothing ? yep.

Warrior defenders back at it again after whole shtshow of SL where their overtuned spec playing ret/war made them think they were any good.


And you play lock and shaman mainly both completely busted in sl aswell

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No, really not.
Its just people make claims, exaggerating everything they can and some people like to correct them.
Players keep making threads about arms’ Opness for several weeks now and yet Blizzard keeps buffing them because they see that there were no warriors in the top100 in 3s.
It doesn’t matter what you guys say as long as the very top players can’t do something on a class they’re able to do on another.

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Of course you can (depending on class / spec). You need to constantly apply slows / roots so that he needs to waste GCDs on shapeshifting.

Feral might be “kings” when it comes to mobility in 1v1 scenarios, but arena is another matter.
What they lack is gap closers if you compare to DH, Monk, Warrior, or Rogue.

Basically, one of those specs together with a healer that is dispelling their roots / giving them freedom is more difficult to kite because they can close the distance faster than a Feral would thanks to having multiple charges of leap / shadowstep / fel rush / etc (or even ranged CC / slows).


There are like 5 speccs way ahead of warrior lock,mage,rog,dh,dk just to name a few and even feral hell even sp is betger eu had 1 sp and us 3


it’s almost like people play classes that are more fun

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not true, one day and NA only

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Well theres his problem, hes playing to classes which are subpar in pvp lol

Its annoying i can sympathise with people who play speccs and classes which are just less viable. I just never understood why theyre reaction is to demand the other class to get gutted.

Shaman and paladins are not in good positions this season at all, and its those that need changes primarily here.

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ret and palaheal are more than fine

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