Warrior's NEED BUFF

Warrior’s need a proper buff man been playing warrior for god knows how long and never ranted about it. It’s about time Blizzard buffed Warrior’s.

How long till I’ll have to wait to see this.

We are WARRIORS not Paper Plate Mushy hitting people with wet towels! come on Blizzard… not funny now been a couple expansion that the Warrior class is just gimped!


got port be top dmg carts dah

Is this a joke post or?


You need to take a look on youtube. Warriors and DH are unkilleble. You dont need a buff. U need one more nerf. Sorry mate…

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NO! its Warlocks need BUFF :smiley:


Uhm what content and videos you referring to? I tank a lot, raid and m+, my own groups, and it’s definitely not warriors I prefer or have picked for a multitude of tiers.

This is no more than a few days old:

Out of 25 specs, both warrior DPS specs is in in the bottom 6.

Most m+ and raid combinations prefer one warrior tank for battle shout to avoid bringing warrior DPS.

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If its in raid or mythic i will shut up. I dont do it. But in pvp, its a whole nother game. Fury is insane. Cant be killd.


See, that also proves a bad spec design since Fury warr is the way to go in PvP and PvE content leaving Arms spec irrelevant rn.

Also, because of this DPS meters, most of pugs prefer to take warrs as tanks and leave fury warrs out of group.

Get good or go play DH

We do not need buffs

On that we agree.


I think you should have any PvP expierience to talk about this topics.

I dont know why, but people that are under 2.4k exp overall talking about PvP will be the thing killing PvP.

And what I mean by this is that, going play DH can fix issue of warrior rn, but getting good on it won’t. Doesn’t matter if you are good or not, maybe it does when you face another warrior.

Assa outdps me single target even if I cleave him and his healer. And magic thing is when there is a game I actually outdps him I still lose XD

Arms warrior needs to have a more versatile build.

But a buff, not exactly. And probably not fury either.

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I’ve been playing WoW before mommy bought u her first pc :baby:, don’t talk if u don’t know.

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Warrior is kinda meta right now my bro. And both Arms/Fury are doing very good dmg aswell, so i dont understand where you get this from. All 3 specs have loads of deffensive abilities aswell. If u are dying alot, try to have some healing potions ready if you are doing dungeons :slight_smile:

It doesn’t matter how long you play the game if you don’t play it on any reasonable level. And if you are not on reasonable level after so long you should not talk about PvP even more. Unless you atleast 2100 as warrior in 2v2/3v3 right now. But if your not just stop talking bout PvP, dont ruin it more than it is rn

If we talk about PvP, I wouldn’t call warrior “meta”. When it comes to melee DPS’s in rated PvP, the following classes are meta right now: DH, unholy DK, assa Rogue. Followed by feral Druid and WW Monk. Followed by Arms/Fury Warrior, ret Paladin, sub, survival etc…

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This is so true, fury in PvP is incredible right now, even after 2x nerf. I can understand why people want it nerfed, though as a warrior I do hope not. :sweat_smile:

Warrior is the least represented class at 2400+, even less than Ret pally.

Maybe people who complain about fury are just bad, because warrior as a whole is in a pretty bad place right now.

Arms is trash in all content.
Fury is mid in PvP, in M+ and trash in raid. And the tier set will not help at all compared to other classes.


yeah our tierset needs to be reworked or other tiersets need to be brought down. our tier is just dogshiat.