Warrior's NEED BUFF

In order to justify this, we would need statistics providing data on how many % of the pool actually are warriors compared fo DH.

If 6% of the pool is warrior, obviously few will be at the top.

I still have loads of fun being fury, my goal is not the top 0.5% of the ladder. My goal is to enjoy the game and have a good time, which I do.

And of course, if warrior truely are behind in terms of dmg/survivability compared to DH, maybe the meta classes should see a nerf in order to balance out classes.

I dunno, I just ramble. :slight_smile:

Arms is pretty strong in rated arena 2s and 3s and probably will outclass Fury in the future. The removal of Ignore Pain in Dragonflight and the -20% damage out / - 10% damage in of Defensive Stance just hurt the spec a lot.

DH is the least represented spec in top 5000 with only 4.4% players.
Yet it’s the 2nd at 2400+ with more than 15%.

While warriors is pretty well represented in top 5000 (7.5%) but the worst in the 2400+ bracket (3.3%).

Just further proving warrior is pretty trash compared to any other class against top players.

In PvP it might be different yes.

Thank you for this. Very interesting read. You have my vote in this case. We either need a nerf on better classes, or a buff to warriors :slight_smile:

Being melee just sucks this expansion, and all the other melee have great mobility and nice cd’s to dodge mechanics (dh, monk,rogue)
Hunters o nthe other hand are braindead as in any expansion, sent pets in, top dps, mm, just explosive shot from a very safe distance, its like there is nothing to threaten them as ranged now lmao

as a fury warrior im gonna give you a hard disagree with pvp, im hitting like a wet noodle, and my sustain isn’t that good, remember fury got nerfed recently.

i really want to know the secret as to why fury is insane, i must be playing the spec incredibly wrong then, because i just melt and even with 40k dps i dont see players health going down at all

I have to disagree with you.
Maybe you’re not playing the anihilation talent tree for pvp but even with nerfs, fury is still one of the most solid choices for pvp.

In the other hand, Arms warrior doesn’t have that much survivability and sometimes it feels kinda slow, but daam it feels good when you land huge crits. And yet, I think it should have more burst dmg to compensate.

From my experience I have a blast in PvP. Currently I have 414 ilvl in PvP, dunno if this makes up for it, fully enchanted and gemmed, epic glad weapons etc.

Ive soloed two players rather often (depends on class). Alot of factors play in of course, I am in no way a professional, and have lost 1v1s.

I dunno what to tell you bud, I just have a good time smashing Orcs. :man_shrugging:

I tried as arms, arms feel less reliable due lack of survival CDS imo.

im playing the thunderous roar/annhilation spec bajheera put out, fully enchanted with frozen devotion on weps, I’m seeing mages pull 90k dps, hunters 70-80k etc fury does like half of that.

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Its the wrong build mate. Raging Blow does 10-15% more damage than annhilation, but still in raid i am just useless…
Hope we get some buffs or tier set rework.

im curious now though, icy veins, wowhead, bajheera, none of them advices raging blow, where do i find it?

crushing blow build

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Thats the same build i use. I just swap storm bolt for honed reflexes in some dungeons.

RIP warriors

get repalced by rogues :rofl:

Says the guy who whines about prot warrior being a tank lmao

Cancelled my subscription. Going to play another game.

Can I have your gold?

That’s strange I’ve just encountered 9 warriors in 2’s in a ******* ROW lmao. You can’t do jack if their healer is any good.