Warrior's NEED BUFF

You got your wishes now.

Ive tried leveling thru bgs and now half of the bg team is filled with arms warriors and a huge percent are marksmansip hunters.

I cant play anymore, I constantly have 10 arms warriors running around me in circles when I try to play and just have fun.

This game is useless, and so are the pvp devs. Useless. Garbage trash idiots.

I seriously cant blame all arms warriors. I dont know which ones rolled arms warriors to just become fotm or those who just loves arms warriors, it is not their fault that their specs are becoming extremely annoying.

But to arms warriors that rolled it just to become a fotm… I will get banned if I say what I think.

I agree. You need dmg buff in pve. But In pvp you need a HUGE NERF.


Also some redesign. I keep seeing that warriors press bladestorm just for bladestorm. Not to avoid cc or immune slow or aoe pressure, this is stupid design.

we dont need it anymore now that we got 10.0.5 :smiley:

bladestorm is some serious aoe pressure now with hurricane and MBG, i dont know what you guys are talking about, you are probably not playing the class :smiley:

Fury is pretty damn good now, finally, it’s also really fun to play.

Arms is good, potentially better in st, but they didn’t solve the problem it had completely, although they reduced it.

wdym ? its now easier for arms to have a good aoe while having a decent ST and vice versa, you want blizzard to give us a talent tree with huge aoe and st talent at the same time?

That’s literally not true.

Arms has a higher dps ceiling in both, but still can’t do both at the same time quite as well as fury does.

Also yes, lots of specs already have that, don’t understand why arms can’t.

Its the other way around. Pressing an aoe damage skill to avoid root and then immediately canceling it is bad design.
With unhinged you can now get like 4 Mortal strikes out in 5 seconds which deals heavy damage especially on an isolated target.

Whats the point of a “damage skill” if the only thing usefull from it is to remove debuffs?

i think you probably do something wrong while playing then,speaking about MM+ : arms can still do a really good amount of ST damage even with the BS/full aoe build, can sit near 65/70k dps on pure ST bosses wich is good since in the other hands we have one of the best aoe damage atm in fort week, so my guess is that you are not playing well


Arms still has that problem more than fury.

I’m not saying it cannot be viable though.

It is strong, i’m just making a small observation that fury is more versatile.

For arms you will lose a significant amount of st damage for speccing aoe, for fury you will lose maybe 1k st damage for aoe.

i’m pretty sure you have trouble playing st with the current mm+ build then.

Forget it.

Ok, just why should i take a fury or arm warrior in my group atm?

I don’t care about your dps, it’s the same than a DH, ench shaman, monk, blood dk…

And you give NOTHING to my group. Oh forgot, a 5% AP. Well. NOTHING.

Warrior need a buff, need to catch zone cc easely without losing DPS, or need to make 20% more damage than any other class, cause it’s the only class who give nothing to a groupe.

This has to be a joke post.
(for others talking about Brouce the post above me here)

Guys, fury is kinda broken yet, especially m+ wise.
Stay calm when you got no clue tho.

Warrior go home, you drunk.
This is the last class that should complain about dmg

No point answering you tbh you have no clue what you are talking about, top comp since 3 weeks is rogue enh and warrior dps, please inform yourself before saying such wrong things

No point answering you tbh too.

Make the top 1% premade players be the meta for 99% of the rest of the players.

Just make me laugh.

I’m talking about normal keys, 16+ to 22. Warrior DPS make ok dps or monster dps on packs.
But still give nothing else to the groupe.
I still prefer as a warrior tank take rogue-ench-dh/monk, even a feral or paladin.

Monk lmao, okay you dont know what you are talking about, also +16 you can legit go 3 rogue its fine so you are truely lost

Broken how? I do not see us on top of DPS charts when it comes to Mythic +.

Can you go into more detail? Claiming that something is broken indicates that it needs to be nerfed. And rank 1 fury warrior is rank 20 overall.

Fury warrior AOE damage is actually lower than the huge majority of specs that can be easily seen in The Primal Council fight ratings in the raid, our advantage for dungeons is that we have very short CDs on our AOE bursts, that is about it.

We bring reliable damage on every pull, and that is about it, nothing else stands out actually what stands out is that we do not have anything else.

Our only usable group Utility is Rallying Cry, and that is on a laughable long CD.

Our group buff works only in melee groups, and melee groups are a bad idea for M+.

We do not have CR, we do not have BL, we do not have any situationally good utility like Priest, Monks or Demon Hunters have or in fact any other melee spec.

Utility and AOE CC helps healers and thanks a lot, and makes group a lot less likely to die for that reason.

You seem to be doing very well with fury, but just because you are doing good DPS does not mean the entire spec is in a good place. Even you being literally 99 on logs among fury warriors, when compared with other melee specs of same ilvl fall to 63.9 medium average.

You are clearly a very good fury warrior player, and you’re falling to average log points when compared to other melee specs and range specs of same ilvl, shows that you are playing an underperforming spec if fury was indeed broken, you would keep your medium average when compared to other specs as well.

I see you commenting on a lot of posts, consistently fighting the idea that we need more Utility, and frankly I do not understand why, you know perfectly well that your life would be much easier if you had AOE stun or some other group wide utility you can reliably use when the situation requires.