Warsworn of Argent Dawn Rumour Mill

I seem to recall a certain someone raiding an Alliance farm in Arathi a month or so back :face_with_monocle:

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Fake news, sir.


Hmm? Fake news. Those pawprints were left by one dwarven worgen, for sure.


War rages on in troll lands, and soon the Alliance colonizers will be pushed out of the Hinterlands for good! :muscle:

Aerie Peak and Quel’Danil Lodge have already received our cease and desist letters.


You guys are cool. Don’t show up to Revantusk Village tomorrow.

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To arms, warriors of the Horde! The Alliance now sends ravening dogs to do their dirty work for them! BLOODSONG and GRIMTUSK stood fast in the defense of the Revantusk Village against an attack by the criminals known as the Merenhall Retinue, and now the High Elves of Quel’Danil Lodge come to their aid gleefully! Many warriors of the Revantusk tribe lost their lives this night as they unleashed catapults - raining down fire and FUNERAL REMAINS upon the village. It is only by the efforts of the Horde’s warriors and soldiers that the village was not burned to the ground. If the Alliance will provoke us thinking that we will roll over, they are MISTAKEN! They will be made to answer.

  • Warlord Bearmaul.

Feel free to read this ICly, Horde or Alliance!

The Alliance comes to the aid of Merenhall. Not to hold their allies to account, but to AID THEM! Forces of Draenei, Dwarves and High Elves attacked the Revantusk outpost of Shaol’watha this very night. The Alliance has made their choices clear. The armistice they so desperately sought? They spit on it. They spit on it as they spite on dignity and honour - Revantusk Village is forced yet again to bury its dead. They are reminded harshly of the catapults that brought BURIAL URNS raining down upon their heads! Bloodsong stands fast in the defence of these loyal Horde warriors but the Alliance comes piling in without relent. Take up arms, warriors of the Horde, for they already HAVE!

  • Warlord Bearmaul, Bloodsong

Same again!

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What is going on in the Ghostlands? The question on the lips of everyone who cares to read the flurry of reports pouring out of that accursed stretch of land in Quel’thalas. Talk of extremists breaking from the Alliance, ruins scoured for loot and blood spilled in droves. Surely these fringe elements would not dare put the treaty at risk after so long at peace.

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Operation successful. Alliance betrayers driven out of Quel’thalas with zero Horde casualties. Small handful of stolen artifacts reported missing. Recommend immediate diplomatic pressure on the Alliance to condemn and outlaw Merenhall and its allies.

Warlord Tagar Bearmaul, Bloodsong

Sorry i’m a bit late with this!