Warsworn of Argent Dawn Rumour Mill

Hello and welcome.

Cast in the same mold as those good old rumour mill forum threads we used to have in the good old days, this forum thread is available for anything and everything you feel deserves a bit more public awareness than natural roleplay might allow for. Say, for example, rising hostilities - and therefore RPPvP opportunities - in a given zone.

This also serves as a public-facing aspect of the Warsworn community server discord where the focus is very much on putting the war back in warcraft. Go forth, do a little war crimes and we’ll see you in the field, champion.


Revantusk Village is in danger. Quel’thalas is in danger. It was only a matter of time. Of course they would never be satisfied with Stromgarde, and Gilneas. Now the Alliance turns their imperial hunger northwards and there is no level they will not SINK to. Already has the Grimtusk Offensive found SPIES - Dwarf spies, Worgen spies - but now they come to slaughter our Forest Troll allies. Not only did they cross our blades, but their first blow in this battle was to drop a TROLL BURIAL URN on our heads. To arms. We are under attack. – Warlord Tagar Bearmaul, Bloodsong

Copies of the above letter circulate steadily outwards from Revantusk Village towards all other nearby Horde settlements and eventually copies will inevitably find their way into Alliance hands.


Stinky Alliance causing trouble again…we are just innocent people, minding our own business :frowning:


Can confirm!

Few weeks ago some innocent Vulpera were chased out of a party by stinky alliance.

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Expect to be attacked when entering Alliance lands yes.

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Alexa, which faction is Gilneas a part of?
Alexa, which faction are vulpera sworn members of?



Keep to your stuff. :+1:

Otherwise we can commit to ours. :gun:


Yes… the pesky Alliance how dare they coughs in possible war crimes Good fun to fight though! 10/10 would kill again!

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Nobody attacked us, but thanks for enforcing the point XD

Gilenas City was a lot more friendly though…
Must have been a backwater village issue.

Presumably you were at one of the markets, where people generally don’t want to force conflict-centric roleplay and just didn’t want to rock the boat.

End of the day, playing a character that is - whether people want to admit it or not - ultimately tied to one of the factions, regardless of that character’s personal allegiences and then going to the opposite faction?

Yeah there’s going to be pushback, and you have to read the room.

Oh, don’t get me wrong.
I welcome people who’s character hates the opposing faction, doesn’t want to interact with them and what not.

I’ve got yelled at, spit at, hissed at at events for simply being team red.
And that’s totally fine. That’s part of the world we all play in, and gives other people the opportunity to step in as well and create a scene out of it.
By all means, please do this!

What I am not okay with, is depriving people of RP opportunities or even worse, taking this OOC and harassing people for showing up at an event with IC grounds and not being able to resolve a conflict IC.

attending the guitar players association’s weekly reunion with a trombone and playing loudly over them each time they try to explain that’s not what the club is about and their questions of why I even joined when I’m not interested in guitars or any kind of string instrument then getting surprised when they don’t let me walk into the club house anymore when I arrive with my trombone

(Jokes aside, let’s not turn a completely unrelated thread into a discussion that’ll go nowhere. Good luck with the Rumour Mill, Warsworn!)


Stop trying to make ska happen! It’s not going to happen!

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It was an event labelled [A-RP]. You’re not being “deprived” of an RP opportunity - you’re actively being a disruption by essentially stating:

This sign can’t stop me, because I can’t read!

It was taken to OOC because you actively ignored the wants of the event organizer. You have the right to roleplay as you see fit but it’s also incredibly poor form to decide that your desire for roleplay is greater than the efforts put into by the people setting it up. You get me?


Wrong, we checked with the event organizers and got confirmed it was okay.
Please don’t twist stuff around.

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Sorry for the first delete. I got confused.

I was just wondering if this was for the market event in the city? Because I do remember seeing you ask permission for that event.

No, could not attend the market in the end sadly due conflicting event planning.

I think this was for the Alliance Love in the air event held in the south of Gilneas?
I might be mixing it up with another one.
Was basically a dead day for us, and showed up there, asking the hosts IC whether we were allowed to stay or not. We got permission, chatted with people.

Then 2 militia showed up? Don’t recall names or associations, nor do I want to point at anyone. This of course resulted in a discussion, which honestly started out pretty good with arguments back and forth, proof to be requested etc, even other alliance members stepping in and standing up for us. The problem there was those members got OOC harassed for it so we packed up with some friends and went to Gilneas city itself.

And it’s the OOC harassment that makes me sour about it.
It threw out everyone’s RP involvement at that point by throwing a tantrum over discord instead of going IC about it.

Please, could this take place elsewhere? It is highly unrelated to the purpose of the thread in general.


The Alliance love is in the air event in Stormglen was mine/my guilds event.

I have never spoken to you or your guild IC or OOC. So there’s no way possible I could confirm that it was okay.

To which you came into and disrupted. It even stated on the AA that it was an Alliance only event. We don’t wish to deprive anyone of any RP. We just wish the rules of the event to be respected. We are also trying to put on neutral events as well. To keep everyone happy.

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Please forgive me. I won’t reply anymore <3