Was Sylvanas right ?

No, because she literally stated that she doesn’t want to attack and be as dishonorable as the Banshee, so that is not speculation.

And you do realize that the only reason why she had to retreat is because she was left alone to cover the retreat of the fleet, right?

Yeah, this is a waste of my time. Sylvanas is hot and Jaina is the Devil, I hope she burns. Sylvanas so cool, she is good and honorable. Alliance is evil, Sylvanas good, me strong, Lok’tar. Bye, have fun.


You merely assume that from the conversation she has with Anduin afterwards, in which her % is not full, and she even had like bandages on ptr before, but guess they decided to keep her pretty.

So a 30% Jaina can do all that? I dont think she does… and in that conversation she doesnt state she can, she says ut wouldnt be honorable to attack them again now.

The talk of destruction and all that is ur head not Jaina man sry

A 30% Jaina and the strongest fleet in the world, you mean?

I do hope that you are trolling, otherwise you’re plain stupid.

Well at least I dont believe a Jaina can bring about the Cataclysm like you Do lol!

But Whatever

When did I ever say that?!?!?! Wear some glasses, fool, and learn to read.


Well, undead amplifies negative traits while muting the positive ones. Sylvanas was a uspicious pragmatist even in life, so she’s a super suspicious amoral jerk now. And we can’t even blame her for it.


Don’t open this can.

In a moment, we will establish that NO ONE can be blamed for anything, because “they are just like that”.

Also, good job all Horde leaders to not protest when that amoral corpse was elected Warchief. Masterful writing in action, again.


Humans kept orcs in camps yes, that is a fact. but if you leave out their reason for doing so then you shouldnt mention it at all. It would have been easier if they simply commited genocide. You know, like the orcs did in their own world and on azeroth. Oh and they did it again in WoD. Interncamps were actually rather merciful concidering what the Alliance could have done to guarantee peace.

And the human Prince Arthas making a mess? Oh right i forgot Ner’zhul was a human prince as well. You know the guy that got turned into the lich king and controlled the scourge until arthas merged with him

This post just proves the OPs point though - war was inevitable… you just listed Sylvanas’ reasons and rather debunking them you simply said “Yes, there will be war, but it’s YOUR FAULT Sylvanas”

Sylvanas doesn’t say it’s the Alliance fault, she says the Alliance won’t forgive what has occurred, regardless of fault and therefore war is inevitable.

Of course I don’t agree with her reaction to that of burning down Teldrassil, but she wasn’t wrong that war was inevitable - both sides were already trying to get hold of the mysterious Azerite and starting skirmishes before she went and thrown all caution to the wind.


Don’t bother replying if you didn’t read the post.

This point alone is imbecilic as Sylvanas can not know what the Alliance will do or won’t. Well illustrated by the course of this war.

Go attack your neighboring country because war will be maybe inevitable one day. I legit am getting sick of people jumping me with crap.


One Zandalari Ship Wrecks six + Kul’tiras Ship while Jaina Proudmore is trying to Board and Sink it.
She did not attack them though because she did not Wish to become Sylvanas.

Before you ask when?
Jaina Boss Fight.

Talanji’s Ship takes on the Kul’tiran Navy.
Though and it is the Navy that’s losing Ships.

I think it is Fair to say now Which Navy was Superior?

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Finally, let’s sum some things up:

  • Orcs comitted genocide against Draenei
  • Orcs comitted genocide against Humans and everything else in their way
  • What?! How can anyone have A N Y T H I N G against orcs?! They are just misunderstood!
  • Orcs (Ner’zhul and Gul’dan) made it all possible
  • Quel’thalas left the Alliance because the Alliance refused to murder all orcs. Despite the fact that orcs ravaged Quel’thalas before.
  • Poor orcs!

But not the Nightborne.[quote=“Sereluna-silvermoon, post:18, topic:27435”]
She is not. Her arguments are immensly hypocritical and ignorant. She is saying the Horde has to fight because the Alliance wants to, when the only reason the Alliance has to fight is because of Horde provocation.

Oh gee the Horde sure Provoked the Alliance in Stormheim.
Oh wait…

Their Second had the Night elves invading Quel’thalas and trying to murder Any Sin’dorei they could with Attack plans going as far as Silvermoon City.

But Don’t you see?
Clearly the Forsaken Provoked.


We have no information about that. We only have Thalyssra expressing her victim complex.

Baaaaah! Tyrande was mean to me! Let’s murder them all!

Besides, this is completely beside the point… Sylvanas is wrong about that. Period. Tyrande and Kael worked together without any reservations.


and the next time we saw the Kal’dorei they invaded quel’thalas set up camps around Ghostlands and planned attacks upon the very heart of the Kingdom itself.


“Continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of creators”.

Tomorrow we might learn that Thalassians are not related to Kaldorei at all.

So first they are super cool with one another. Next time they are Genn-knows-what. Which is “more” canon?

And, by the way, that horrible …

… were so important that the writer of A Good War totally forgot about them.

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Yes, they wanted to assassinate Lor’themar and everyone else. They almost invaded SIlvermoon. Just cut on the drama, it was a spy mission pulled out of someone’s butt to give the blood elves a reason to ditch the Alliance.

The author of a Good War actually forgot to put it in, so they had to ask about it on twitter, and he was like “Lel, I forgot.”


Actually he was: By the time I noticed my mistake, it was too late to change.
It still very much happened.

and who knows, maybe such was truly their goal?
and really we got our reason back in wc III.

it was only empowered… by the TBC addition.


If you say so.

Not really. Tying together the events, Anasterian made the call after he also realized, how one-sided this relationship with the Alliance was.

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