Was Sylvanas right ?

Faction leaders are not above the military Hiarchy, nor military rule.
This goes for both Sides.

The leaders are Oathbound to serve the Warchief, as mentioned by Geyah: no loyalty, no Honor.

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Yeah, all leaders of the Horde have no honor since Garrosh, don’t they? Not even Vol’jin or Etrigg. :smirk:


Yes they do.
They used their right to challange the Warchief openly against Garrosh. But working behind her pack to sabotage the War is treason (i still am with Baine here, but that’s a fact.)
It’s the difference between playing loyal but working against the Warchief, and challanging him/her in the open. (like Cairne did for example)

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The man point is how she reacted to that all.

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She totally was. I prepare for popcorn if 8.2 or 8.3 leak how her plans actually finish successful.

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you could even say Horde saved the kul tirans, but starting a war against the alliance, considering had Sylvanas not burned down teldrassil, none would have gone to kul tiras at all, meening they would most likely end up under Ashvane rule and join N´zoth and Azhara instead.

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Seriously your tone alone is proof she is right lol.

Gilneas shut their wall since Warcraft 2 and watched Arthas make everyone Undead, refusing to open their door to their neighbours in help. What would u do to that neighbour of urs when the Cataclysm broke their precious gate? Exactly what Sylvannas did! They kept the door locked while everyone was being turned scourge, its only fitting!

If you read more of “A Good war” which is where post creator quotes from, its clear the ancient elf divide is there as the bloodelfs downright Hate Malfurion!! Obviously see from the bloodelf rogue who repeatedly tries to kill him (bad idea ofc) and how Blood elf Authority and leaders basically dont give a damn about night elves.

Finally lets do some quick facts:

  • Humans kept orcs in camps
  • Human guardian opened the portal and invited the orcs
  • Human Prince Arthas made a total mess affecting Sylvanas , Loarderon and all



Wow, you got me. That argument, I can’t beat you. But I need to try.

Sounds like what Quel’Thalas did. According to your logic, Arthas was right. Perfect.

One rogue hates Malfurion. While Malfurion himself states that “he is glad most of his kind isn’t lost as he is.” Also “not giving a damn” is really the opposite of “open problems.”

Humans which are now Forsaken, Quel Thalas paid for those camp.

This is so wrong I don’t even wanna enter it. Sargeras opened the portal.

Yep. That’s about the only thing you got right in this post.

If you wanna ping me for something 3 days old, at least make it worth my while, I legit answered this only because of egoism.

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Well thats the thing in the end Sargeras opened the Dark Portal and Sargeras, through Kiljaeden and Mannoroth corrupted the orcs.

So we are all good deep down in our core and the Legion took out the worst of use.

But then that logic takes away all responsibility right?

Shall we go further back then? Azeroth belongs to the night elfs? Or the Zandalari trolls, from which came every other living race? Are Humans a parasite on thus “pure Azeroth”? Much how u see Orcs now?

You realize thisis neverending right?

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So, wait…

You are now defending the opposite argument? First you defend Sylvanas paranoid warmongering based on vague past crimes and biased interpretations, and now you are selling me the opposite package?

You are just trying to put the blame entirely on her while I am trying to showcase she has ample reasons.

Both Horde and Alliance are biased towards each other

I am putting the blame on her because she is the Warchief who inspired this war for sucky reasons. I am not gonna blame Private Jimmy Toshkins.

Amazing conclusion, my young friend. You cracked the code. Now saying that…

Even with bias, her reasons are crap.

Her reasons are precautions sure. But if you think how she was “we cant trust Genn whispering and Anduins ear, nor Jaina (obvious why after Theramore) and seeing as how Genn and Jaina lead the assault on Dazaralor and making excuses to Anduin
Anduin: but you killed their King?
Genn: war casualty ur majesty shhh now

Even if Sylvannas did start this, you cant help but wonder if she was right …

Jaina left Dalaran cause of Horde in Legion so its clear she doesnr want peace. They didnt get cinematics called “Warbringers” for no reason.

So end conclusion, we each have a psycho lady? Ok…


A king is using his commanders in a war? Ok.

I don’t have to wonder anything, as I know she was not right.

According to that logic, Sylvanas also has a cinematic called Warbringer.

When our psycho female dog destroys three nations, we can talk about equality.

Now ur being childish I wont continue this sry.

Sylvannas uses her advisors too.

And by your argument I KNOW SHE IS RIGHT

You do realise that you are only proving that Sylvanas is a retard, right?

-Sylvanas commits genocide on the Kaldorei, the Alliance strikes back-

Sylvanas: “Huh, See guys, I told you that the Alliance cannot be trusted.”

And you know that Jaina could have annihilated the Zandalari but chose not to because she cares about honor and pities them, right?


Don’t kick off a discussion in such a tone if you don’t wanna get mocked.


Well, you are the guy who claims that the tone of an argument settles who’s right, so I won’t hold my horses on this one.

Sry didnt realize she could destroy Zandalari but chose not to as you say.

Probably because I couldnt hear that over the sound of me beating her to a pulp to the point she had to teleport away to live…

But she could have destroyed everything sure…

You didn’t beat anyone to a pulp, don’t flatter yourself AND the other 24 champions that were with you.

I can’t tell if you are trolling or not. You know that just because someone loses a fight, doesn’t mean that they lose the war, right? Arthas lost the battle at Light Hope’s Chapel but could have easily won the war. Likewise, Gul’dan won the first battle at the Broken Shore but lost the war.

So just because Jaina lost the fight doesn’t mean that she couldn’t return and wipe out the remaining Zandalari, especially when they were mourning and couldn’t possibly have expected another invasion. Also considering the fact that the legendary Kul Tiran Fleet remained unscathed as it didn’t participate in the battle. Jaina could have easily unleashed the might of the Kul Tiran Fleet during Rastakhan’s funeral. She chose not to. That is a fact.

Again, I am not sure if you are trolling. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but your arguments are so laughable that I am not so sure that you are being serious.


Isnt what happened in the raid Canon? Last I checked yes.

Its your arguments of “She could this… she could that”

That come off as speculation mate.

We did beat her to the point where she had to retreat