Was this posted? Classic Beta Client Back to the Battle.net Catalog TBC IS GETTING CLOSE!

If we go by actual releases, the Dark Portal opened roughly 6 months after patch 1.11, so if phase 6 begins in December, a TBC Classic release in May or June would be sensible under this logic.

We all know TBC was Feb 2007 and I’m sure Naxx was opened about June 2006.

Edit: Just checked, patch 1.11.0, June 19th 2006. I remember looking it up a few weeks ago. So 8 months or July/August next year if they keep the same timing and Naxx is out in the next month or two.

Then you should’ve checked better, because patch 2.0.3 (when people started being able to cross the Dark Portal) came out in Jan 9th, 2007 - i.e. 6 months and 21 days after patch 1.11 launched. Heck, to be quite precise, the TBC pre-patch (when they introduced TBC talents etc. but didn’t open the Dark Portal yet) came out on December 6th, 2006. So, if they’re going to launch TBC servers on TBC pre-patch rather than with Dark Portal already open, then we should get TBC servers less than 6 months after phase 6 begins.

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