Waveborne Diplomant's Regalia

Only thing I’m a bit disappointed by is the scrollcase on the back of the chestpiece. It clips with most non-cape backpieces. I would’ve rather had a more fancy scrollcase as a seperate backpiece.

If you are Kul Tiran, you can replace the hat (until it’s hopefully fixed) with the Heritage Armor one, which has a similar vibe and matches quite well.

What are you talking about?

Honestly, meh.

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What about to make this game great again instead of adding new transmog and make money? Dont you agree, ION???

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And end up in jail? Ain’t gonna happen.

why would they care about fun?
it is just a business.
reduce cost maximize revenue = maximum profit

people still play

Hordies are very jealous about our new transmog.

Not clever of u come here and complain about it if u don’t interrest transmogs and about topic.

Well first off not interested so yay for me. However, find it a bit cheeky to do these whilst we have the trading post.


The problem with trading post is they will put it with another important cosmetic, most likely with a mount and I will be upset again on it.

Freezing low price items doesn’t make sense but I wanted that Blood elf book off hand and white gloves too much but…

You are a bid out of touch if you think that is a lot.

Black desert takes 35-40 EU

Vindictus have the Best cosemetics locked behind RnG boxes, around 300 euro to aqure the currency to get the outfit 100% if you don’t get it while actually opening the boxes.

Hordie here. Got that transmog on my Belf :smiley: I bet it would look awesome on a Tauren.

Im loving the set especially when the other shop sets are nothing to write home about.

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I gifted to my best friend today and i will buy it for my self too.
Really nice set!

Transmog is poorly done for a 20 euro set. It could have been placed for a Trader’s post, not for the market. 20euros set, and the hat still makes your character go bald. kek.

I am not wasting a penny on that Columbus set.

I kind of agree. I’d much rather would have seen this transmog set as this month’s main reward. But hey… I got some new cool options, so I’m happy.

Well that’s the great thing about stuff like this; you have options.
You can pay for it. You could get it with gold. Or not get it at all. It’s all fine. :blush:

I am poor, thanks to this idiotic system of crafting, I spend over 300k. First in SL with the legos, and now with the gear crafts. Yeah you may say craft them on your own, but I still cannot get used to the new profession system, it is complicated for me, and I believe I am not the only one.

Anyways, all I am saying is, this set is poorly made to be in the in game shop.

Mmmh well you don’t need to engage with it that much to make gold. I just sold materials for a while and made millions (around 2 million to be exact; I don’t want to make it sound as if I made many many millions). Of course I spend most of it because that’s how I roll. :wink:

Fair enough. I like it more than most sets we see, so I’m happy with it.

I play only couple hours a week, so I have no time to farm materials, for me it is either progress on my character, or farm for gold, obviously I choose to progress on my character. I have no issues with spending my daily coffee fee on a WOW token.

For each their own, not my taste.

You’re a bit out of touch if you think that one thing being immensely stupid justifies the other thing being slightly cheaper kind of stupid.