Waveborne Diplomant's Regalia

Compared to the flashier shop sets, it’s so not worth the price tag. Would look better as a Trading Post reward.

It made me think of Musketeers

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Another clown transmog for 20 bucks blizz sure r milking it hard hehe

Says the person with a classic character who’s most likely dressed like…


I’m in full t0.5 except t1 shoulders because this is my casual set but nice try

Doesn’t change a thing. :blush:


U can Google Feralheart set btw it’s one of the coolest old school druid sets

Damn that looks awesome on Kul tirans.

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Arguing about taste is useless. Let’s just agree to disagree.

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It’s just a bit weird to think that 20 is a lot this far into the age of Cash shops.

It should be expected at this point.

It was originally labeled as the Trading Post reward, and been changed yesterday, there are leaks in Twitter already, haha.

Probably it was a reward for April, and at last moment they said, no we better put it for cash. :pepegoblin:


Starney you looking good pal !
I kind of want this mog but 20e… That’s a bit much for me

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As someone who bought it mostly for the chest and hat, I was profoundly disappointed to see the hat hiding the beard. The hat is just useless until this gets fixed. I am with you on this one Starney in hoping it is a bug.

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