We are forced to do OLD DUNGEONS in NEW EXPANSION

So we have TWW. This expansion is not even 3 weeks after release. People still exploring, questing and wanna do content from this expansion. Especially because its fresh experience and NEW.
Atm m+ players have just m0 its pretty okey and… We have pool of ,seasonal" dungeons where we have just few from TWW. This pool should be M+ not M0! So we playing NEW expansion and already we doing old content. Why now we cant do every dungeon m0 from TWW? Its JUST M0. This timegating is one big joke. So many people are shocked when they (for example) cant enter the rookery in mythic difficult. So to progress new content, new dungeons we need to wait few months? Nice joke. Legion and even bfa was nice experience when they opened all duns for m0.
What will be next? Timegated leveling zones?

My english is not perfect but i have hope everyone can see my point.


Congratulations, you have found the most non-issue thing to make a thread about.


Progressive worsening of the game is not a “non issue” it should be mentioned and called out
Tbc had 13 dungeons on release or something!!!


No one forces you to do anything

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Its issue sir. We cant enter to half of NEW dungeons on just m0 difficulty. Not m+


It’s called Timewalking for a reason… some of us didn’t get to experience the dungeons in their expansions and would like to.

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First world problems.


Yes but there wil be nothing wrong to make this timewalking in m+. Not in fresh expansion while players really wanna do and learn current content on just m0.

I understand people missed opportunity to enjoy old content but damn… Not on new expansion while tww is not even month after release.

you are not forced to do anything you don’t want to.
if it bothers you so much, find another game, easy peasy

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True but the OP has a point.

Why are we timegated to mythic 0 - we wanted to do the new dungeons on Mythic but half of them are locked and instead we get to do Shadowlands Mythics… again… that doesnt make much sense to me.


Why are ppl so hellbend on m+
it’s more gatekeeping for us who can’t follow. we can’t lvl up because ppl want to do a m+? in 20 min

Thank you for understanding.
Sadly because many people dont understand how bad timegating is even on low mythic difficulty. And how terrible move is replacing new content with old one just after release new exp. So for next weeks we will do shadowlands content on tww.
They know people care about ilvl in pve. Everyone who wanna make progress can, and many will do m0 and there is shadowlands loading screen. In my opinion timewalking is pretty good few months after release but not after 3 weeks.


I agree with OP. I want to do new stuff not the old thing i’ve done 1000x. Especially when we have timewalker dungeons.

Also some of the dungeons that are coming back are some of my most hated ones.


Only it’s not timewalking, because it would mean you experience the old thing without any modification, incl. textures, character models, trash and boss abilities.

But becuse their ego got the better of them, they butcher there old dungeons, like poor Grim Batol. When I saw what they did to the first boss, I was furious. And because of their lazyness, to make the revamp seasonal only, meaning that you will only see this version when it’s active in the rotaton, this pieace of WoW history is lost forever (with so many other things)


This is a complicated topic with a lot of nuances to it if you think about it thoroughly.

I totally get that people want to play ALL of the new TWW dungeons on M0 difficulty (me included). It’s new, it’s exciting and we want to experience those dungeons.

However I can see why they did not do this for a combination of these reasons:

  1. We got the M+ balancing revamp, so that M0s should roughly equal previous +10s. What they wanted to achieve by this is that people can actually learn all mechanics properly in M0, without just facerolling through them like in previous expansions (whether this worked or not is another topic).

So M0 is supposed to be the “proving ground” for the upcoming M+ dungeons.
However, if we just had those 8 TWW dungeons on M0 now, nobody could get a hang of the 4 old dungeons on the new difficulty. This kind of forced them to include the 4 old dungeons to be available as M0s.

So why not just have all 8 TTW dungeons AND the 4 old ones as M0? Well, this brings us the the second point.

  1. If they did that, we would have 12 M0 dungeons on a daily reset. This would make a lot of players feel forced to complete 12 dungeons a day in order to stay competitive for the upcoming M+ start.

12 dungeons per day can take a long time. A few hours at least for most people. And that on a daily basis.

Ofc you could now argue that “Well it’s not our fault some players feel this way… they don’t HAVE to do that” and you’d be correct but on the flip side you also have to keep in mind why the so heavily discussed timegating exists in the first place.

A lot of people argued that timegating was necessary because they would feel forced to spam M+ asap, so they don’t fall behind. Timegating was welcomed because it made them be able to appreciate the story, side quests and other activities before the season starts.

The combination of all of those facts pretty much is, probably, or at least in my opinion, the reason why Blizzard opted to just include the 8 seasonal dungeons in the M0 difficulty, rather than just the 8 TWW dungeons or all 12 dungeons.

Having seasonal dungeons on M0 was necessary for “training” purposes so people can experience and play the seasonal dungeons on M0 difficulty before M+ opens.

All 12 dungeons probably were not released because it would’ve overburdened a lot of people to farm 12 dungeons per day.

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I am really happy the heroic/m0/m+ dungeonpools are all the same. It made no sense before we had different dungeons in different difficulties. It was like going into M+ into dungeons i had never ever seen before.

Allthough you are probably right, i got invited yesterday by a friend and we did the 8 dungeons in less than 3 and a half hour, including getting drinks in between and getting to the dungeons. And half my gear is now 593. You do not really need to farm day in day out all the 8 (or 12) dungeons to be done with M0 gearing :slight_smile:

But sir you prodably do half of dungeons before when old expansion was live.
We have now just m0 time and new exp and we cant do all fresh dungeons on just m0. This will not ruin anyone experience.


Precisely and this is the reason that the old 4 dungeons are included in the M0s right now.

Same :sweat_smile:
We did like 5 Delves beforehand (min/maxing lol) and 7 M0s afterwards. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time for the last M0.

100% correct. Just doing about 16 dungeons and a few delves the entire week should be enough to get you to a high enough ilvl to easily start with M+ the next week.

But you know, a lot of people will want to farm absolute BiS gear for every single slot (we’ve already seen this last week with heroics - thus all the dungeon leavers).

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Yes I did. But there also are people new to WoW or people who started war AFTER Cataclysm (Grim Batol) or people who skipped 1 or 2 expansions like Shadowlands or BFA (I even skipped BFA so Boralus was entirely new to me).

You can’t expect the entirety of the WoW playerbase to have played in every single expansion that make up the current seasonal dungeon pool.

Furthermore, a lot of times dungeons get heavily reworked (such as Grim Batol now, or Throne of the Tides and Vortex Pinnacle in DF) because they’re so old with outdated mechanics. This makes them basically entirely new dungeons, within the same “area/style”.

It’s worse: It’s heroic as well.