We are killing our own server

Hi. Im playing Horde on Shazzrah Classic TBC server. Now this is no technical issue nor an emergency but i feel like i have to share this thought with you guys.
Currently on my server the Battleground queue time is arround 1hour to 2hour. Now this makes it very difficult for us HORDE to grind that honor for the items.
The only way we can farm extra honor while waiting for that hour queue (for those who has time to wait) is to go into the open world and kill questing alliances.

My friends and I generally chose a location; roam around it and call out alliances to kill while they quest. As we have multiple people roaming the zone, we do not let any Alliance quest, farm; basically survive. And quickly we see ourself killing the same people over and over again until they rage quit.

Hopefully you start seeing where im going with this… We do this everyday, first hour we destroy Nagrand, make all the alliance questing over there rage quit, then we go to Shadowmoon Valley, same old, we kill all of them until we don’t see any alliance around the map for atleast 30minutes and this goes on to other zones.

Once again, we are doing this because the queue timers are way too long and this is the only way we can get that extra honor while waiting BUT at the same time we kill our own server doing this. We litterally slowly decrease the Alliance population from the server.
Now you might say: Oh thats great! Those alliances will probably switch server which means “Chiching!” more money flow from character transfer and that is correct BUT! If 50% switch servers, the other 50% might just quit the game. It is obviously in you’r hands to make that calculation of what is worth more but i think i made my message clear here.

The battleground queues are ridiculous and it is killing the servers which comes down to eather less revenue from people quiting, getting tired of not being able to hit level 70 because all the hordes are farming them while their trying to quest.
I feel horrible contantly killing a poor level 67 trying to do his quest BUT I HAVE TO! its the only way i can get honor.

Please consider this.
(possible fix: if there is 3 servers that has more then 60% alliance and also in the other hand 3 other servers that has more then 60% horde. Link them up for the battleground queus!
You just need to make the research for active Alliance dominated servers and Active Horde dominated servers to be able to make it fair for everyone.

Thank you, felt like i had to write something about it since this issue is just killing my own server and i don’t think we’re the only one living this situation.


Or, they just add the honored pvp set to appropriate vendors.

Seems like the best fix all around tbh.


I don’t think you understand how much more Horde players there are, it’s gonna be 66% overall Horde players very soon like on any other private server in the last 10 years.

The only thing that works is implementing faction specific queue and faction transfers, so there is actual incentive to play alliance.


or consider this : reroll alliance

the horde arent just killing their own servers nah theyre slowly also killing the remaining alliance pvpers u guys badly need in order to even fill the BGs :smiley: but hey u do you but pls dont come crying again next week/s once u realize the ques got even longer :PP


jesus christ, pls make more stupid threads like this. I feel sorry for the horde players to have to suffer with ppl like yourself and all the meta slaves that came with it.

You are acting worse then a kid who doesn’t get what he wants.

You do you and scare all aliance away to pve servers, enjoy your server with no other faction and queues for bg’s

As a note: no i don’t like this situation, but merc mode will only make things worse.


Thing is all servers are linked in same bg queue, not only yours. That means the average of all servers has much larger horde population, so your fix is not possible.
Your only option is to wait for Blizzards mercy for some other fix or just reroll Alliance now.

Lol. That’s real pvp right there, lowbie questing alliance vs several lvl 70s on flying mounts. Gotta love the attitude.


It’s not about “real PvP”.
He literally explained to you why they do it, it’s honor while they’re in the queue, if you want to be competitive in arena, you need the resilience gear.
But no, you gotta miss the point entirely to make your own “point” stick.
Lame, get better at trolling.


Calling out the problem, admitting to being the cause, while continuing to contribute to the cause and problem is exactly why the majority of responses are ‘just re-roll’ - ’ you chose the wrong faction’. You can gain resilience gear in arena per week via points. Only after youve accumulated some will you be competative. In those early games you will face some overgeared teams and some teams with exactly the same issue you currently have of not being able to farm honor.

Please sit down and shut up. I got the point, I just don’t think its worth a real response as to complain about the problem while pointing out the cause and then continuing to commit to being the cause is just too much for me to take seriously.


If you play the game for fun instead of collectables then this issue vanishes. Is it fun to kill much lower level chars? No - your doing something un-fun for everyone involved just get accumulate something to spend on gear to brag about having to others who will also also do the same un-fun thing to get the gear.

What a waste of time for all involved!


Many parts of this game isn’t fun for me, it’s not fun mindlessly grinding primals to craft my gear, but I like raiding and that crafted gear helps me raid better, it’s a means to an end, an end I want to get to.
So I grind the primals even if don’t think that’s the best gameplay WoW has to offer me.
I don’t think they particularly enjoy ganking lowbies who’s just trying to quest, but it gets them honor, so they do it.


The difference being, grinding primals affects no one else. Repetedly grouping up on someone questing affects their time.

I noticed you failed to respond to me.

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Care to give reasonable explanation as to your opinion? Because it doesn’t align with your own - it’s stupid. Gotcha.

Because you’re just saying that they should stop ganking lowbies when they know it’s just driving people away, I’m telling you that it isn’t gonna stop people because people need honor and with queues being what they are, you better be ready to be ganked if you’re an ally in the level range of granting honor to a 70.
If you were horde and honor farming, you’d do the exact same.

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There’s a simple solution, suck it up join arena and deal with the fact that some teams will outgear you. Get the points you can. Arena queues are instant. Points are granted each week that give better gear than the honor sets. I don’t see what justification there is for ruining the lvling experience for others just because small pp syndrome.


I am long time 7y Alliance player but played on Horde side for 11 mounth in WotLK as BE FDK main and some time in MoP as raiding alt.
So my account is old (since 2006) and full of Alliance characters on retail.
Some people had long lost their accounts and joined Classic WoW on new ones. They have no connection to them what’s so ever.

You better pray that they deside to rage quit or go to PvE or Alliance mega realm and not create new account joining the Horde and making your queues even longer.

I have alternative solution in my thread.

There is, farm honor inbetween queues, any means necessary, including “unfair” fights vs non-70’s.
Which is what they’re doing. :slight_smile:

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The issue being complaining about ruining the game to then continue commiting to the casue of ruining the game :rofl:


You have a limited time to enjoy life. Use it doing something you enjoy and not something you don’t.

You know where it is worthwhile putting in effort for something that isn’t instantly enjoyable but rewards down the line? REAL LIFE AWAY FROM WOW!

All you are all doing is chasing something meaningless you think will bring you fun and not having fun all the time chasing it and in the end - once you have that gear it will mean nothing to you!

Raiding is fun or at least it is to me and that why i do it. The gear I get in raid prepares us for the next tier and so on. The fun is had playing the game and not owning the gear.

Would I raid if it was not fun and instead was a chore but it still gave me this gear that i could stand AFK in a city wearing and maybe others might go - look he has xxxx set!! No - ofc I wouldn’t. I would be doing something I don’t enjoy for meaningless rewards that show nothing other than I put some time into a game.


im on shazzrah too and i gave up on trying to farm honor gear

when i see an alliance i mostly ignore them or i help them with elite / poly them back to full health. it must be a pain to play on the server because of jerks like OP, so i try to at least to small amount of nice things even if thats probably not nearly enough.’

they cant go to any summon stone and no matter what they do they get killed, i feel bad for alliance on shazzrah