We deserve the right to post on U.S. forums

I wouldn’t even be mad about not being allowed to post on the US forums if at least Blizzard were consistent with their own rules.
But they’re not.

I’ve never bought anything for Hearthstone, yet I can post on the US Hearthstone forums.
I haven’t played StarCraft II in more than a year, yet I can post on the US StarCraft forums.

For some odd reason though, I’m not allowed to post on the WoW US forums…unless I have an active subscription there.
We’ve bought multiple expansions, and hundreds if not thousands of euros worth of subscription time. We’ve absolutely earned to right to post on the US forums - the only forums that matter, let’s be honest.


Make a US starter account, level to 10, BAM you can post :wink:


They should just merge us with them imo.


I’ve tried and it doesn’t work for me.
On the same subject, before my sub ran out, people told me that I could still post on the forums afterwards, but I very much could not.
It’s honestly annoying all the restrictions Blizzard put SPECIFICALLY on the WoW forums.
I swear I’ve never played Overwatch in my life and I can 100% go to their US forums right now, but WoW? I have thousands of /played, I’ve spent ridiculous amounts of money on it, but if I run out of subscription I can’t post any longer, even on the EU forums?
Urgh. It’s so irritating. And again, especially irritating since it’s WOW-specific, and those restrictions don’t exist on other Blizzard games.

In the EU you require a subscription to post on the bulk of the forums. The US does not have the same rules.

I have a starter account level 10 which I made because originally we had no beta forums for shadowlands, they were only on the US forums.

Overwatch isn’t a subscription model. So no it would not have any posting requirements.

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Forgive the term, but this is such BS…


I would change that unless you want to get reported for breaking the rules.

Whatever. It is what it is.

I fail to understand the reasoning behind it all.
What does the subscription tell Blizzard about us that they take into account?


  1. It can mean you’ve given money to them. You’re paying, therefore you’re earned your right to contribute on the forums. Fair enough…but then, why can I still post on games I’ve never paid for at all, like Hearthstone or Overwatch?
  2. It can also mean you actually play the game. You’re paying for a sub, so you actually know what you’re talking about and you can’t just come and flood the forums with troll post or worthless feedback. Fair enough too! But again, you’re still able to do exactly that on other Blizzard game forums.

It just makes no sense.
If they absolutely want to add a paywall to access the forums, they should at least limit it to having bought the latest expansion. This way, players who have stopped playing but still love the game can come and discuss it, or give valuable feedback as to why they left. It’s especially important right now since BFA is complete and utter garbage.

What it actually says is you are actively playing the game so have the right to post about it.

One is paid once for and the other isn’t paid for at all.

I think it makes perfect sense, it stops people posting a load of spam as well. Mostly.


Meh, just connect the forums we will have more fun this way anyway.

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I addressed this theory. Again, other games allow you to post on their forums without verifying that at all.
They could do simple things to check, like verifying whether you’ve played a single game in the past weeks or months, but they don’t do that. They just let you post from day 1 without any requirement.
Except for WoW.

I don’t buy that. As I said, people don’t need to pay to post on SC2/HS forums and those forums are doing just fine, they’re never spammed with troll threads or rubbish.

I’ve tried to understand and I’ve thought of every possible explanation for these restrictions, and none can be justified in a way that’s both logical and consistent with their other forum rules.

Don’t acknowledge green’s existence is a sure way not to be reported in the first place, my sanity was restored after I did that at least.


And I addressed that point.

That’s your prerogative but you are wrong.

Again HS is free, SC2 is a one off payment. As you said you paid for SC2.

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Personally I like that the EU forum is limited to actual players. People have not been hindered giving feedback before they leave the game, if you have a subscription you get an exit survey when you stop it. If you buy game time or play for free via the token you know when your game time is going to run out and can post before your forum access is removed. We see those kinds of posts every so now and then.

Blizzard gather feedback from various sources included free mediums like Reddit. They do not limit themselves purely to the forums.

If you can’t post on your US starter account you will need to contact support over there to establish why.

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You need EU gametime to post in the US forums.

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I did presume we were talking about an active EU player. My bad.

Actually I admit now I’ve just tried and I can post on the SC2 forums and I don’t own the game. That’s in General.

Why would you wanna post on the US forums anyway? Do you enjoy getting banned by US mods rather than EU ones?

If you post without being nasty you get quick answers to questions. There are some bad posters over there but most are OK. And they have more forums than the EU do.


Sometimes I daydream of America… but then I wake up and realize I actually like my tax funded healthcare, like a splash of water to the face, no gunz, regular sized food portions, cheap education. What to complain about?