We finally have confirmation as to what constitutes an excess in leaving mythic keys or sort off

answer straight from blizzard moderator on usa forum .

Saying the same words like the previous one.

“High” can be any number depend from viewpoint.

Still the same vague answers like usual.


1 action considered as “gross misconduct” would be considered “high” meanwhile being late might require 5 occasions or more.

All we know from this is that Blizzard has a magic number, which was suspected anyway.

They don’t want to give you the threshold, to have this work as a deterrent. It was pretty obvious since the blue post.

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As I’ve said before, behave and it won’t matter.

Where did i say it is a negative thing?

~10 keys per day

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I assume that means after 10 reports from those groups?

There are plenty of people who’ve left more than that and are still playing, if the forums chats are anything to go by.

Idk how many reports, they said they reviewed his case and saw that he was leaving a lot of keys, the poster said he plays 14h a day and leaved ~10 keys per day.

Given how the average person tells their story in these “OMG THIS BAN IS SO UNFAIR!” posts, we can assume he actually left far more than 10 on some days.

Thats not a straight answer?

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It is not a straight answer, but assuming they did leave 10 per day, 70 per week, 280 bricked keys per month is pretty extreme.

In comparison, per week I used to only leave if: Someone else left first, key holder called it, or it got impossible to time unless we were some professional esport keytacklers which amounts to a few per week or down to 0.

Tbf him leaving does not mean he was the reason the key was bricked.

There is no point in assuming, for all we know the ban could trigger with half the number of that person.
And also we don’t know how often the “check” resets. Do they watch the entire season history? Monthly? Weekly? Who knows.

The answer in that discussion just prove that those targeted aren’t people leaving some keys every now and then.

That is true, there must be other metrics like probably leaving first while there is really a lot of time left, or admitting to bricking keys on purpose. Or just outright bricking them before joining another back-to-back bricks.

I would assume that leaving first and/or reporting triggers the investigation. However I find this to be a banable offence to be stupid. And I have said this multiple times, that idk where people are finding these leavers, I run a lot of keys per day from +2-+11 on multiple characters, I very rarely leave groups or see other people leave groups early.

Overall I see this as the “Oh you don’t want to carry me, have a report”.

hehe, saw a youtube review of that exact thread, one of the guys post be like:

" I know one morning took 10 groups to get one to even complete on time"

So he left 9 in a short timespan then? :smiley:

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In the thread he was talking about pugging 14 hours a day. On the other hand if you look at his rio, you can easily see that this fall into the category of “things that never happened”. So I don’t know how much I can trust what he is saying.

But at least good to have some confirmation that it checks against a number, and that number is pretty high.

I am wondering if it is first leaves of the groups, or if it is just unfinished dungeons.
And when blizz talks about high numbers; is it a ratio or an absolute number.

Thats not the blue post said, but a customer.