We got 16 mount reskins with this new patch. And yet they released a completely new looking mount behind a 6 month paywall. Mount that we could all have gotten simply by playing the game

We already pay a monthly sub and that should be enough to encourage Blizzard to make fresh and new content for us. We shouldn’t favour this path they are going towards, that of sneaky and scummy microtransactions like this one.

For those that find so hard to understand this let me put it this way. They just released the patch right? That means more people resubbing. On top of that, them releasing this new “offer” will make more people get it so that they get more financial revenue. And guess what, just in time for their next quarter. Just in time to show their shareholders how “well” they’ve done.

They don’t do this for you, to make it easy for those who already would have gotten the 6 month sub and why not a reward to those, no. They do this to get more money, out of a game we already pay a monthly sub for.

I’m mad and disappointed because if they continue with these schemes and if the palyerbase doesn’t say anthing about it they will continue with this, and what does that mean? Simple, less content for us for the money we pay. Class sets are an example of this. I can not think of any reason they would remove class sets except to save money and cut costs.

Imagine this, we could all have gotten this mount, in game. I don’t know maybe through a rare, an achievement, anything. But not like this, not behind stupid pay walls.

There are games where microtransactions are necessary to sustain the game. Take Black Desert. You can pay once and then not have to worry about it ever again. How can a game financially live like that without sub? Of course cosmetic transactions, pets, and mounts, which is fine for that kind of game model. But here, in wow they have no place.


It’s a vicious cycle nowadays that we are trapped in.

The profit they are making from bare minimum work like creating a mount is probably indefinitely more worth it to them than to

Actually create a game that is fun and that people want to play because, well, you can’t monetize that much further if people can earn their rewards.

And for people to buy the shîtty MTX they have to
A) Make ingame rewards inferior
B) Make paid rewards vastly superior

So what Blizzard is actively showing is that they only care about the playerbase that SPENDS MORE THAN THE SUB COST

Whether it be MTX like mounts and pets, almost FORCED Server transfer ( looking at you Flamelash@Classic WoW ) or people that bot / multibox because they end up buying new Accounts / multiple Subs.

How do we salvage this? We don’t. The 10k people that blindly buy every single store mount already make it worth it, depsite the 100k haters that come with that.


Consider all the complaints in Legion about the class mounts and class sets. I’m not surprised the devs think it was wasted.

What do you mean? Find me one player that would hate to have a set dedicated to his class, and a mount that solely belongs to that class as well. It’s the peak of what class Identity is and what the should be or should I say was. The fact that we are even having this argument is ridiculous, go back in time and tell wod or even legion palyers that next xpac there’d be no class sets. There would be an uproar.


I just remembered you can literally BUY GOLD with real money in retail.

We are already in the whaling stage for this game.


It’s also so hard to find people who actually can see the truth and look behind these greedy schemes. The worst part of all is that this is being covered up by players who are willing to buy or don’t care. Which is turning the game in the mess that is going through now.

It feels the opposite, as If the ones who actually care are 1 to 10.


My memory is good and I remember what was posted back then in Legion. The forum was full of complaints and even hate over the class sets and class mounts. Ugly, that class is better than mine, recycled look etc etc.

Unique things we got from just playing the game and still all the whining. That’s what i mean.

I was thinking back then, this will have consequenses. And it happened.


I’m sure the devs didn’t pull those things off because they “got offended”. It’s not primary school. They knew clearly well that the reason the did it was to save money and create less content. People have complained about sets looking " ugly" since the dawn of time. You can’t satisfy all, that’s absolute.


I will NEVER understand people that defend a multi-billion dollar company that is asking for more money while their delivered product sucks.

For what do these people do that? I… I just don’t get it.

But as I said, 10k people happily and obliviously buying the store mount is FAR more important to their Shareholders than 100k nerds on a forum crying about the actual state of the game. Baffling.


Offended? No, ofcourse not. It’s all about earning money and this was wasted.

So we just gotta accept that every game we play nowadays is about how they can empty our wallets the fastest or the bestest?

Gaming at fair price is dead now or what


Not wasted. By that logic every item in the game has gone to waste because not everyone liked it. As I already said just because some didn’t appreciate them doesn’t mean that their presence wasn’t actually felt.

Pity they never recolored druid flying forms and gave them to players as mounts~ I would totally transform into this ugly pig-bat :rofl::+1:

Please check first before you rage. There is already existing RAT mount in the game Ratstallion which means the store mount is NOT completely new mount.

By the way, we all know it is RAT year in the Asian Calendar, the mount was meant to be a “gift” for the Asian people if you don’t like it just ignore it why you care?

It has been a circle already, first dog, pig, now a rat.


Which 90% of other MMOs follow. But other mmos don’t have active sub to cover for their expenses. Other companies willingly follow that path because they have no other way of earning income. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending it, it’s a bad system to make players pay to earn stuff. But every game company decides whatever scheme they want for their game. Luckily WOW was one of the few games where earning stuff was actually worth it and players definitely didn’t have to pay real money to earn stuff. Now, thing are changing, and for the worst.


The people that already have a 6 month sub get the mount for free. Also, you can get the mount in game, farm the gold, buy the tokens, exchange for Bnet balance and voilá, you can get your mount.


It’s not. It’s a completely different model and design. It’s like comparing a proto drake and a bronze drake.

Also yes, we know how much Blizzard “cares” for their chinese players.

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Yes they do “care” as the ASIAN WOW popultaion is FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR bigger than the US and EU.

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“the mount was meant to be “gift” for the…”

hmm… I usually don’t have to pay for my gifts.


I’m sure the people who have a 6 month refresh active sub are a minority.

What kind of good mechanic is to have players “just farm gold” to get something that resides in microtransactions? It could have been so much more. A special quest, a drop from a boss, anything.

This is clearly to incite people, who previously didn’t have a 6 month sub, to get it so they can cash in more money to show their shareholders they have more in the store than what it actually looks. I don’t care about the mount itself, I care about this dark path that Blizzard is following. They are incentivizing people into throwing more money into the game when they shouldn’t. We are all paying customers aren’t we?