We got 16 mount reskins with this new patch. And yet they released a completely new looking mount behind a 6 month paywall. Mount that we could all have gotten simply by playing the game

Just fined it ironic some people moan about shop mounts and have them still, kind of makes a mockery of there beliefs when they try and demean other peoples views.

I had already said I had bought them in the past and regretted it… you are so selective in your response… you didn’t even read all the info.


You know that people can regret doing stuff? . It’s human to err. Because of that you don’t have to persecute them.

Besides, who cares you are just taking away from the point of this post.


My comment said “people” not you Anna there is people apart from you in this thread that have them and insult others for having them my comment was not aimed at you .

I’m sure 99% of the playerbase follows this scheme. Especially now that the game goes frequently on content droughts. Common sense doesn’t seem to be that common among people these days.

I care when people throw it at people for having them yet have them already in there collections don’t throw stones in glass houses its called being a hypocrite .

Ofc you would know - you hide your post info because you jump on so many people and you don’t want them linking it.

No one is being an hypocrite. He said he regretted it, so what? That is over. What matters is what he says now.


Pot >Kettle who has theres hiding ?

I dont get the complaints

You can buy it with in game currency, 2 wow tokens are like 440K gold! just do gold emissary often and you can get it :ok_hand:

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But then after 2 months the game would be practically empty.
Which I’ve never seen in my years of playing. :slight_smile:

Its not just about that one poster there is a few in this thread doing it hence the word “people” not a name .

Anna and Daestra, just walk away. Nothing good will come out of this anyways.


That is even more encouraging, blizz earns more money when you buy it with tokens. The store has no place in a subscription based game.


‘private’ only stops people tracking your posts, not checking armory :slight_smile:


Have you read at least one comment in this thread?
First of all, gold isn’t that easy to make. It’s a pain. You either play the game to enjoy it or try to make gold and it will take 90% of your time, which for a damn mount it aint worth it. But it could have been a mount that was awarded through game mechanics, that way everyone would have had a fair shot at it.


I made 3.5 mil in 1 month, grinding for the auctioneer mount for my darling

Well i enjoy making gold, so does most i know of

Yes, but i dont understand tbh, no need to flame on me tho

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Not only that. Blizzard earns more when you buy tokens since people pay 20$ for it, opposed to 13 that you “take from them” by buying a sub with the token.


You know full well you just changed it you are laughable and sorry I can not take you serious you just lost any respect I had left for you .

I’m being obtuse towards you?

I only asked why it mattered that it didnt count as a mount in the collections tab.
It wasn’t intended to be perceived as obtuse, just a genuine question.

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