We got 2 filler expansions in a row

Ah okay. Cheers for clearing that up. :+1:
In that case: I agree!

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I think it’s more that your perception of the story differs from others, and when other people give you examples of that which they mean, then you refute them because they don’t fit the requirements as you perceive them in conjunction to your argument.

Well, people perceive things differently.

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Yup, you nailed it.

Too many players keep supporting store. Thats basically zero effort money to blizzard from mounts ands tokens, no need to up quality of game


The War Within is in line for the top 3 Worst Expansions, along with SL and WOD.

But we already know Midnight will be the worst expansion because they have already told us about Player housing. So we know we’re probably not getting a decent expansion feature.

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When someone says “new young female leader characters are a problem” I expect that there are indeed examples of exactly that. But there’s only one.

And sure, I don’t view that particular character (Faerin) as a problem - that part is indeed my perception and opinion. I like her character and how she’s been presented so far.

But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s the only character that fits that particular description in TWW. While the quote refers to multiples.

WORDS that someone wrote.
Like I said: Words matter.

When I say I don’t like the colour red, you can’t start claiming I hate the colour blue.
That makes no sense whatsoever. And that’s what you are essentially doing. It has NOTHING to do with ‘how I perceive’ something. Those descriptions were quite specific and literal.

So which colour did I write here?

Did you perceive that differently? :weary:

But the housing is the expansion feature for midnight

No, you simply rejected the other (Moira). And at that point it became clear that you were going to be both judge and executioner of this little “argument”.

Because she LITERALLY does not fit that description.
That’s not perception; that’s fact.

Is this a discussion on a video game forum or a case in high court?

Dude wrote a paragraph outlining the feel for these characters in the story, and you went ahead and ran with it as if it was the 10 commandments from God himself.

I think most here get the sentiment of what he was saying without needing to set it up in the form of bullet points and applying it meticulously to every female character there is.

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Well then he shouldn’t make outlandish claims amongst those feelings and opinions.
Because yes; I’m going to call someone out on that.

What outlandish claims?

He says “it reeks of ideological engineering rather than storytelling” (with regards to passing the torch to one’s daughter).

And then he gives a couple of examples with Moira, Baelgrim, and Magni, and I chip in with Faerin and Alexstrasza.

Those are not exactly hot takes on current WoW story.

How you can call anyone out on that is beyond me. I’ve no idea what you’re crusading so hard on here.

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My point exactly.

It’s a feature for a portion of the playerbase. My biggest worry is that those of us who aren’t interested in housing (and there are more than you might expect) are losing out on what would usually be a fun expansion feature.


Ive no interest in housing, but i guess ill be forced into it.

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That’s my biggest fear.

Blizzard have a habit of forcing players to try their new features. Just like the unstoppable Follower dungeon during the TWW levelling campaign.

Honestly, I actually logged out for 48 hours, because I was didn’t want to do a follower dungeon, I wanted to do it in LFG.

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Ok yes you don’t get another feature like all the other times there was a feature you don’t like.

You could also see it like this.
Think about all the time we lost housing to another expansion feature we didn’t liked.

And yes the housing introduction will probably be part of the campaign just like every expansion feature.

But they already said they want to make sure you are not forced to participate in housing if it’s not your cup of tea which means except for the intro you will never need to go there and that is different from former expansion features.
There was no way to not participate in the order halls if you wanted the story for example

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Exactly what I’ve been addressing:
“these new young female leader characters are a problem”

(and then later another quote).

It’s the type of statements I find annoying.
They’re not factually true. They’re hyperbole just to try and get a point across. I hate that.

Anyway, I’m tired of this back and forth, honestly.
I’ve made my stance clear and I’ve not received a reply from the person I originally quoted since we discussed it, so… I’m moving on.

As to the whole women/woke/inclusivity stuff in general… I no longer want to discuss that on these forums. There’s people here who, I think, seriously need to look at themselves and reflect on what kind of person they are; that’s all I’ll say about it.


False, it has been:

  • Introduction - Vanilla
  • Growth - TBC
  • Maturity - WotLK
  • Decline - Cata till today
    Source: The subscription graph

It’s incorrectly used when people refer to an important milestone in a story but not its end, whereas the true meaning of “filler” is something akin to side-stories or side-quests. Because otherwise, so far everything except The Lich King and N’Zoth have been fillers (and I’m not so sure about N’Zoth); even Argus is a “filler” boss since Sargeras is still not canonically dealt with and there was never any definite sign that the Burning Legion ceased to exist. In every other expansion every final boss we faced (Kel’thuzad, Illidan, Deathwing, Garrosh, Archimonde, Jailer, Fyrakk) was a “lieutenant - miniboss” of an even larger and more dangerous entity. And by the looks of it, Xalatath is also serving a master.

Unfair use of statistics.
The decline has many factors that contribute to it.

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I somehow missed your post, so excuse the late reply.

No, that’s not my answer to every post in the slightest.
Kind of weird for you to ask that.

And this is completely inappropriate. Of course I don’t tell people to kill themselves.

Been there, done that. That was quite a while back though. But that’s besides the point…

If someone makes a post where they say they’ve been playing a game that they haven’t enjoyed for two and half years (at least), then it makes me question why they’d still be subscribed.

That’s not trolling. That’s not weird.

Guess what I did when I realized Disney+ wasn’t offering me enough for the price that they’re asking? I canceled my subscription.

I didn’t go on some forum to complain about their lack of interesting original content on their streaming platform.
No. I quit and moved on with my life.