We got 2 filler expansions in a row

Indeed, with the 2 most important factors being (a) a lot of people wanted to see the conclusion of Arthas’s story and (b) Cataclysm didn’t have strong enough lore to entice people.

By then, the next expansions could barely stop what is a natural and inevitable evolution of a product.

I don’t think that conclusion is based on any sort of evidence.
Or can you provide actual data to support it?

I don’t know the most important factors either of course, so I’m not even willing to guess. All I have is my own experience: I quit the game near the end of WotLK. Not because of any storyline. But because of lack of content for a player like myself (I had stopped raiding at the end of vanilla with only the occasional raid during TBC if the guild needed someone - I did almost no raiding in WotLK). That was my main reason for quitting: It was boring for a player like myself. And the bit of content I was given, was something I thoroughly disliked - the Argent Tournament.

But I’m not going to claim that my personal reason for quitting was the main reason overal. That’d be silly. :slight_smile:

This thread is full of stupid.


Based on the informat Magni had she had been kidnapped.
Magni will be dead by the end of the world soul saga either he’ll die protecting other npcs or he’ll sacrifice himself to save Azeroth. Not sure what the threat will be but he’s 100% a dead man walking. With the council his heir almost ready to lead and no more speaker role there’s almost no point to him bar “advisor”

My worry is ill be rewarded y dping content with “stuff” i can use in housing. Not interested.

I also worry that there will be advantages to having housing that means you miss out on getting item X more readily out at all. Item X having nothing to do with housing but potentially key to pve content.

The game is already unsociable as it is without locking people away further from having to interact with other players.

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I do not have data. But back then I was in a casual guild that barely managed to gather enough people for 10man normal modes despite having more than 30 people online at evenings, and even then we couldn’t clear all bosses. Almost 75% of the guild stopped playing at the start of Cata. From the ones that we still kept some contact, it was mostly because the story didn’t make sense.

A lot of people have been throwing the argument that hard heroic dungeons is what made people quit. I don’t deny it, but I am not sure it was the main reason.

The first thing will absolutely happen. I think there will be items dropping for your house.
Best case scenario is that it’s a collection tab like mounts or pets and it’s gone of you bags with one click
I think that’s not to bad for people that are not interested.

And if I’m not mistaken they said they want to avoid the second thing specifically. They say they learned from garrisons. For me that means the house will not be a source of anything but rather be a place to just put thing

I think I enjoyed most features that have come with expansions.

Torghast was about annoying, I’ll admit that. And Delves seem a bit underwealming.

But they’re suitable activities to do on off raid nights, or when you need a rest from running keys.

But when we talk about player housing we’re talking about a feature that I’m not going to touch. And a feature that actually quite a large part of the community has no interest in either.

That’s true there is a part of the community that is not interested but there is also a part of that community that is interested housing.

How do we now determine if a feature is wanted or not? I doubt anyone not me not you not even blizzard has the real number of people that like or dislike a feature.

I am not a big fan of m+ I think didn’t do one since early sl. There are quite some people that don’t like it. Do we now stop making m+?

It’s totally ok to not like a feature or a theme of an add-on. Look how many people are not a fan of the goblin theme next patch but we still should get that patch.
Best way to go at this is to just don’t use a feature you don’t like and be happy for those that do like it. Right now I think apart from the introduction you will be able to ignore it mostly since blizzard says they “learned” from garrisons.
Since I can’t look into the future I’m going to believe they actually did

Well M+ was just building on the Momentum of the games direction from conception.

WoW was always a game of overcoming challenges, as levelled up through dungeons like Deadmines, Dire Maul and eventually into raids like Molten Core, Black Temple and Ice Crown.

These epic adventures is why people play this game. M+ just built on that.

Agreed that not all players enjoy M+, there are plenty of other options now for those who don’t want to participate and the game still sticks to its core design of overcoming challenges, in the form of Delves, PVP or Raiding.

Notice I mention delves here, when I put them down a few posts ago? Although I dislike Delves myself, I see how they fit in the grand scheme of the game.

Player housing just doesn’t fit WoW or it’s gameplay. It just doesn’t belong in the game. That is why so many players aren’t interested in it. We’ve been brought up and trained on what to do it WoW, and well we’re not interested in this… remotely.

Blizz want us to pay for a new expansion, so why would be accept less than what we’ve had in the past.

I’m just gonna repeat my self.

Yes there are Manny people that don’t like housing but there are also many who do.

The like it enough that they wanted it 20 years ago in vanilla and the topic never died down.

Who decides now wich group is right and wich is wrong?

Housing is coming. There is no way around it. They said they work on it since 5 years ago if I remember correctly.

If you don’t like it that’s to bad and I hope they really learned from garrisons and don’t put any player power into housing so people like you can just ignore it

Tbh, I have only heard people talk about it over the past year. It hasn’t been that much of a subject.

It is sad. It’s a lost sale for Midnight at the end of the day.

The thing is, there are people who have been watching the content we do enjoy become more and more buggy, and receive less and less attention, and all of a sudden we’re presented with something we have no interest in what-so-ever.

WoW will lose dedicated players due to lack of engaging content. And trust me, dedicated players are more important than new players for one simple reason. Commitment. they’re a guaranteed income. New players come and go, there is no guarantee.

Just read the forums. Look at all the complaints about M+. Look at this thread. This thread is complaining that TWW is a filler expansion. People are upset that they’re not getting their World of Warcraft experience, and we’re getting Toilet content like player housing and the trading post.

Blizzard put all of this effort into Solo Dungeons, and Delves. Which, I can see serve a purpose, but they’re at a cost to the content players are already enjoying. Rather than pandering to the Solo player, they should be encouraging the solo player to get into a group content. It’s the group and the community that made WoW special back in 2005. But now in 2025 everyone is playing by themselves.

WoW is dying. Player housing is going to kill it.

I assure you housing is a topic that is talked about since vanilla.
This isn’t something that just came up.

You act like the opinion of the people who want and like housing are less important then of you and the one that don’t like it. Why is that?

Do you have any official numbers to proof that the overwhelming majority of the player base does not want housing?

And people being upset with m+ has nothing to do with other content. I’m pretty sure m+ has there own team working on it.

Delves have there place in this game. People wanted more solo content. Why do you need those people forced into m+?

And you can’t motivate people to join group content since the reasons why people don’t want to participate in it are outside of blizzards reach.

Some don’t have the time to sit down and do group content. Is blizz supposed to make dungeons only halve the size and fill groups with bots so its quicker?

Some don’t enjoy the rush that modern group content has. Is blizzard supposed to force groups to do things slower?

Some people don’t want to play with others since our community is a toxic swamp.

And yes the community back then was a big part of early wows appeal but it’s gone and there is no coming back since you can’t control people. And btw back in vanilla wow that same o so great community was also the community where people got shunned on serves cause they where not willing to fork over loot they won to players of the big guilds. That’s the same community that decided shaming people in chat so they need to make a new char to continue playing was the right thing to do when someone broke self made rules.

In that case I don’t think you have paid much attention as it has been a recurring request and topic over the years. I’m not big on housing myself but that much has been clear. I’m guessing, if they do it somewhat properly, that it’ll draw back in players who quit over the years but will be curious enough about this feature to give the game a try again, simply because quite a few people do indeed enjoy housing systems in games.

Not really.

But you have to take into consideration the players that don’t want housing.

Let me paint it for you another way.

For 20 years we have been playing a game, we have bought each and every expansion and been able to enjoy the full product as it has added value to our gameplay. It has introduced new systems, whether those system have been evergreen or expansion based. It has been a game for us.

All of a sudden we’re being presented with an expansion where the key feature is something which is something that we will never ever interact with. And we’ll be expected to pay full price for the expansion.

The game and the product as a whole becomes a whole lot less satisfying. You go from a game which you can and want to complete and participate in through the whole of. To suddenly having game which you only play a little bit of. That’s not a very satisfying feeling for an already committed player.

Whilst I appreciate there are some people who want player housing. I would point out that there are games which already do it. We play WoW because we like how the game works, we like the challenges and the progression. Taking WoW in such a different direction at the cost of the enjoyment of its regular and committed players just seems like a really daft move for blizzard.


Okey so you stay with “but we don’t want that so it should not be made” got it

Every time there is an expansion feature there will be people that don’t like that feature. That’s how the world works. I did not like the garrison I had to deal with that stuff and it wasn’t even optional.

There are people that did not like dynamic flight.
There are people that did not like m+.
There are people that didn’t liked warfornts.

I am willing to bed every single feature ever had people not liking it.

What makes housing so much different?
Cause it’s not focused on fighting?
The RPG experience is not only fighting

And the warband features are yet to even be expanded other than what we got at first.
It’s getting frustrating af and I wasn’t even hyped at all, but the drag is… just… ugh.

The state of Retail WoW that the most excited I am for content in this expansion is

  1. WoD or Legion Remix
  2. Bringing back Visions

It is shocking to see the direction the game has gone post-BFA.

At least we will get break-glass-in-case-of-emergency-player-housing? But thats in 1.5 years, and with the current lack of creativity I have no hope for it to be worthwhile.

Shadowlands was an abandoned expansion
DF was a filler expansion
Warthin is a filler expansion

Just wth is going on

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What was so ambitious about either BFA or SL?

BFA did start with a bang sure, but it fizzled out pretty quick.
SL was just the jailor broke everything because he was a bit upset about somehing. And the Maw was just horrible…

It’s not focused on anything, it’s Sims in WoW which many people have 0 interest in. Of course, many other people have been begging for it for years so it’s definitely gonna be welcome addition for them, but it all depends on how big of a chunk of the game it takes up.

If there’s nothing but the generic “4 zone 8 dungeons” aside from it, the expansion is gonna suck for everyone who isn’t a Sims fan. Also, RPG is a meaningless term nowadays, player housing is not any more an RPG feature than customizing your dragon is, and yeah, it not being combat or at least traversal related is why it’s boring.

You literally just said why, I’m referring to the ambitious concept of how the expansion is presented and how it hits off. Shadowlands was both wild conceptually being the entrance into the afterlife and the lead up with the helm of domination (even if you hated all of that like I did), and just in terms of presentation, the Maw and how it was conceived, and everything. TWW has nothing.

I don’t want remixes because while fun for a day or two, it sours me on the expansion and feels like a privete server dull version of it.

However, give me WoD and Legion classic and imma stay there for years.