We got 2 filler expansions in a row

But why are the guys that don’t like it the metric on how much it is allowed to take up?

Why aren’t you able to say well that’s not for me and then you are happy for those who have fun with it just like I and others did when warfornts where the feature or thorghast or m+?

It’s absolutely ok to not like a feature or a theme but sitting there and saying how bad an expansion or patch is cause it doesn’t cater to your specific taste is unbelievable self centred

I´m with you 100 % there :fist: :fist:

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The bugs, performance, incompetent balancing, button bloat and absolute redundant unnecessary changes is killing it for me.

Still hopeful for Midnight and The Last Titan though in terms of setting, but the recklessness of handling the game needs to stop.


As long as dungeons raids and pvp (maybe delves from this expac on) don’t suffer I doubt people will mind housing.

If dungeons, raids and pvp do suffer tho (and delves again) then likely people are going to look for a scapegoat and what better goat then the housing blizzard once themselves claimed would cost them a raid tier in development time.

So I think either of you can be right, it just depends on how blizzard introduces it.

As for the reason I quoted that sentance, yes, there have been systems people disliked, I personally don’t even have the complete 5 island expedition achievement, but the raid and dungeons and zones of BFA it was introduced in felt good, they didn’t suffer as a consequence of adding the extra content.

And I think the latter is the golden answer to how to add new things without people who just want to engage with the pillars feel like their experience is being toned down to make up for something they might never engage with.

The definition of Filler Expansion is poor content added to fill a gap until more substantial or quality content comes.
Which I don’t think TWW is (DF arguable could be as it was a transistion expac from the Legion - SL model to something new).

But I think TWW is now the model (DF was the proto-type for this) of how expacs are. 4 zones, 8 dungeons, a raid and some timed events currated by weekly quests. 2 major patches with 3 or 4 minor patches which add some new zone(s).

TWW isn’t filling a gap until something better comes. TWW is just the same as what will come. In the next 2 expacs anyhow.
After the World Soul Saga who knows what will happen. Maybe a new Model. Maybe the game goes in to maintenance mode. Maybe WoW 2.0.

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In the end housing will be flamed as the reason why midnight was bad that’s for sure.

Blizz would probably need to deliver season one with 2 raids 20 dungeons and 10 zones and a coole lore rich legi for every class for people not to blame housing the second midnight is not an absolute masterpiece

Well, I would say that every time there is an expansion feature a player may try it and decide that they don’t enjoy it.

I can’t think of a single expansion feature that was so overwhelmingly spoken out against before the announcement of the expansion (even if there are people who overwhelmingly want it). It’s because people know what it is, people know what to expect and it just isn’t the game that we are used to playing.

Playerhousing will fail just the same way Torghast failed. The difference is, the players gave Torghast a chance. People won’t even try player housing because they know what it is, and they don’t want it.

As I pointed out previously, the game is a mess. Just look at this forums, there are threads complaining about a underperforming M+ Season, PVP is full of cheaters and exploits, the game is full of Bots, this thread is pointing out that we’re just having another filler expansion.

All of this going on, and all Blizzard have to show for it is player housing… more casual content the core player base won’t interact with because it’s not the type of content we play WoW for. It looks like we have another filler album coming along.

Players want a working game, so they can get back to what this World of Warcraft is all about. A fun, multiplayer challenge based MMO which they can master and overcome.

Well I think we can agree to disagree here.

You don’t like housing I do like it. We won’t change each others mind. For you housing can’t be good as long as there is not a major other feature coming at the same time. Or maybe housing could never be accepted by you only you know that.

I am still happy we get housing. I know blizzard I KNOW housing won’t be perfect but I’m Okey with that nothing is ever perfect on the first try

No it isn’t lmao, it is the only correct way to evaluate anything. If an expansion doesn’t cater to me and its major features are things I have no interest in, it’s a bad expansion for me. Legion was probably my favorite expansion and it was probably among the worst expansions for minmaxers and mythic raiders.

I sadly think you’re right, this is the conveyor belt model of shipping the minimum viable product at a consistent rate, it’s the live service model of barely keeping the fire alive but never really going all out and making great content. I want to be proven wrong but I don’t think we’re EVER getting something like Argus with these expansions. Or something like 7.2 that adds a bit of everything, and in large quantities (2 zones, dungeon, raid, new gameplay feature).

Hell, 7.3 would be split into 4 different patches with this lame expansion model just so they can cram more stuff onto the roadmap, and make it seem like you’re getting a ton of stuff.


Yeah ofcourse if you only view it like that true I thought about the general player base since I see a bunch of people saying midnight is dead don arrival because of housing wich might be true on a personal level but not on a player base level

My theory on the war within is that they changed direction of where it was going chris metzen even said this and they wanted to do something bigger with this world soul saga.

I have had fun this expansion especially at the start but they have a lot of issues they need to fix MMR And mythic + hopefully they make changes for season 2

I would like to see them add more layers to the game like legendary items ETC not grind not RNG but quest lines etc that add interesting lore to the game simmilar to the BFA season 4 cloak.

I miss Titan forging and BFA gearing sytle minus the one box weekly loot if it had 3 slots that would have been perfect but the player base is split on that one so im not here trying to push that agenda.

There is nothing to agree or disagree on.

WoW will be less good because of it. It’s not a matter of taste. It’s just another thing making the game less focused. Spreading resources too far.

Now only your opinion is the right one. Got it then there is nothing to discuss about further.

We get housing if you like it or not have a nice day

No, I didn’t state that my opinion is right.

I said that there was nothing to agree or disagree on.

The game has fallen down the toilet and isn’t going to last much longer.

But that is your opinion.

I think the game is great. I have a lot of fun. You are not happy with anything to the point you say a feature that is not out yet and where you don’t have any numbers on how many people dislike it is going to ruin wow.

If you hate it that much you know what a customers strongest weapon is right?

No it’s not.

If you spread your resources too widely, of course it’s going to water down quality of content.

Just look at these forums, look at the complaints about the game. M+ is bad, Combat feels bad, 2 filler expansions in a row. It’s clear people aren’t happy with the current state of the game. And there is a reason for that… Blizzard are focused on the wrong content. Wasting 5 years on player housing has taken its toll

Yes, that is my plan. nothing to be a shamed of. Have you not been reading what I said. The player base will be unsubbing enmass, they simple won’t find the game satisfying enough to buy because 1/2 of the content they have no intention of playing.

The game is dead.

So No new content ever right? We don’t want to spread our resources too wide.
But that ofcourse doesn’t apply when it’s content you deemed appropriate for wow right?

Most m+ related complaints I see are about the lack of tanks/healer. That is on one side a balance problem and I assure you the class and the dungeon balance team had no hand in the making of housing.
And on the other hand it’s a community problem. And there is not much blzz can do about that and housing being s thing certainly not makes people behave badly.

I don’t think combat feels bad. Most specs play relatively smooth.

The expansion being a filler has nothing to do with the content but with the story. No amount of cool content would make the story better.

If you don’t enjoy this gamennits probably for the best to follow your plan and leave and you are right there is nothing to be ashamed of a customer should go if he does not enjoy a game.

But you have no evidence for that claim. You have no numbers proofing that the vast majority of the player base isn’t gonna enjoy housing. Not everyone will be as hyped as I am but the world is not only working with extrems

I could bring plenty of such examples where we see how many bad decisions they made while everyone at the start and even before they were praising …

The best example is when they decided to bring 10=25 man in Cataclysm …
Devs …Blizzard and company said this is going to be the best decision and would increase even further the population(wotlk peak 12 million subs ).

What happened ? a disaster Within 1 expansion , wow lost more than 50% of the 25-man guilds and there were 141k or 144 k 25-man guilds …(Huge number)
The same applied to 10-man since the recruitment was even more harsh due the meta classes…

The one praise 10=25 has cost not only half the subs within 1 expansion but has further create huge problems with recruitment and basically a big fall domino ( Such lessons should be teach to school how to avoid )

Genjuros Server from 24k population within 2 years has reached 4k population and right now it has 22 players…

What about the current warbound that we were praising and so amazing feature…that all the alt are going to use …

Is basically useless …Well …gear ? only the 1% are using the warbound gear since is only from the mythic raiding that provide their alts with Hc warbound items … I have 7 alt’s and i never bother picking or thinking of trading any warbound gear because its pretty useless at the point that the available gear already is obtaining at an even higher ilvl~rank .
The only gear i got is some veteran and champion that is practically useless…

Other than a self like guild bank for your characters i don’t see any other use of this amazing feature …warbound .


You can take a break…

Everyhting you said is your opinion…

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