We might need to have have the tank role added to every class at this point

I’ve yet to hear anybody actually say that.

I mean, I’m sure there are a handful, it won’t move the needle though.


At times like these I feel like a unicorn

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Or just be a Druid :crazy_face:

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That was my solution during a past expansion, but they so often fumble up Balance, Feral or both.

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I am playing only 1 spec per character (per season), but since DF that spec could be the tank spec :grin:
And i have been only maining heal.

Restoration for shamans feels to me somehow really cozy compared to other healing specs atm

All in all, I think I have never enjoyed RShaman as much as this season.

Especially with my build that performs really well with out casting a single healing rain. And I am a bit worried that the tier set in S2 is too healing rain heavy.

They can’t even balance the tanks they currently have.

I always set out with that idea, to fully focus on just one character for a season. Never turns out that way though :rofl:

I just get bored and indecisive after a while. I have narrowed it down to playing only classes that can tank though, so that’s a win I guess. Just have to wait for Blizz to add a healing spec to Shaman or DH (granted Shaman is more likely and even that is a long shot) and then I think I might be closer to sticking to one Character. Or if they make Paladins able to be a Goblin, that’d do it too.

I always focus on 1 character, but when i am through the usual seasonal whatever (borowed power) grind i pick up a 2nd char :slight_smile: I am usually playing at least 2 healers.

My shaman has been my main this season. I got my mistweaver nicely playing now too and last week i started on prot pala.

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I disagree.

Those of us that wish to tank simply do so, using one of the 6 classes available.

Allowing my mage /Lock /Hunter /Evoker to tank in addition to my Pala /DK /Drood will not magically make pugs less toxic, and therefore will not increase the likelyhood of me tanking for them.

If anything it possibly further incentivises premature tank leaves “because someone else can just pick up the slack when I´m gone” :beers:

Only if they want to restrict themselves to just those 6 classes. Sometimes I find myself using classes that do not tank and watch how a heroic dungeon made me wait 30min as a healer/dps during prime time.
If all our progression, loot and resources were full shared with the warband, then I would not mind just playing my paladin at these times, but we are not there yet

This topic was sparked by queue times for easy content and not M+ pug induced shenanigans. The M+ pug issues stem from the very heart of its ill conceived esport design.

I did not assume m+, because m+ does not have an automatic queue that this could theoretically have any effect on. Nor do I pug M+ to begin with.

And as long as people keep flaming tanks and healers while they´re still leveling and learning in NHC inis, as was teh case less than 12 months ago in the situation with my Brewmaster, every word of what I said still stands. :beers:

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The thing about brew is that blizzard has completely forgotten it exists and it has a very dull hero talent tree. Probably the worst tank still by far in M+ because in raids its decent.

Fair. Ive done minimal content on mine this season so mostly going off prior seasons. Sucks if true

Come on, there are people in this very thread who said that they aren’t. You think, they are lying or what? They don’t know themselves but you do?

I have a group of friends who are sometimes short on healer. I also have a bunch of utilitarian alts that craft or farm items for me. Earlier in the season I could jump on one of these alts to help the guys to avoid the LFG disaster as they were doing easier keys and I sure do like the role myself. Now I’m no longer able to do so: they are in much harder dungeons, and my alts, whom I don’t play in any other content, just can’t keep up. My main, though, can indeed keep up, but it can’t heal.

Obviously, maintaining several classes is much harder and much more time consuming than doing so with just a single class. There’s also an issue of all the useful professions and non professions related items that you could have assembled on your main character over the years, which are a pain to get on others.

More importantly, the classes in WoW are different enough so you can enjoy some non spec specific abilities that you will be terribly missing on other classes – for me, it’s the ability to traverse in z-axis on my DH, for example. All the cocky perches, ledges, and ridges in WoW love to challenge me and I feel uneasy when I can’t accept their call and put them under my feet… For you, it could be portals, that you’d still be able to use if your class could tank.

Some people play not the roles but the characters who can or cannot fill the roles due to spec availability. Providing them with these new roles might do indeed help the problem.

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People don’t want to play Tanks, more options ain’t going to change that.

That said, Disc should’ve been Tank spec!

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I have, quite a lot in the past on the shaman forums, and also yesterday a few hours before your post on this very thread!


Enjoy it, embrace it, love it. It just gets worse the higher up you (and your DPS) go. :slight_smile:

I play nothing BUT tanks and wish we’d get a “mage” tank already (aka range based)! With that said however tanking has been quite meh this season.

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Only complaint i have about tanking is toxicity towards tanks, if never really experienced as much as resto shaman during shadowlands.

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