We need an explanation for the Enh nerf

Probably won’t since my class got nerfed by 25% you idiot.
Moo, b***h, get out the way.

Still, have to be a toxic potato even after people are polite with you? :nauseated_face: :potato:

Also hiding swearing words behind *** might get you suspended in forum for few days, just saying.

Fair points, I agree with most of it… but then again: having opinions and doing something as stupid and illogical as nerfing an entire spec by 25% overall, without giving any comment about it, are two entirely different things.

Obviously in a perfect world, nobody deserves to be called names ever, right…? But in the world we live in, if you’re dumb, you deserve to be called out for being like this. And nerfing Enhancement like that is nothing BUT dumb… it’s actually downright stupid, which also tells a lot about the devs who came up with the decision in the first place (not to mention the ones who thought it was a good idea to nerf MM Hunters as well, which are easily the worst spec in the game… those are a different breed of stupid, and I really doubt that people are gonna want to play with you in M+/Raids if you play MM).

You said it yourself - in 4 weeks Dragonflight comes out, and so far they haven’t done anything to “balance” specs. On the contrary, there is even more chaos than before the class tunings during Pre-Patch.

This is what they always do!
They make things intentionally bad at the start of the Expansion, and then make everything “good” near its end, to give players the impression that they’re “actually listening”… I was very hyped for Dragonflight at first, but now I’m getting BfA/Shadowlands vibes again, which make me feel like I’m playing an intentionally unfinished game. Just let people have fun, man!
Like, you make people pay 50€ for an expansion every year or so ON TOP of a 13€ subscription (which btw doesn’t make any sense… if you’re paying for the expansion, tf do you pay a sub for then? Shouldn’t a subscription INCLUDE future updates and the game? At least make the game be a one time only purchase, and get rid of the sub, or stick with the sub only), ON TOP of Micro-Transactions… for what? So that I get radio-silence from devs and have my favourite classes/specs get butchered like that?
Something needs to change, this is shameless!

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big oof …

The council of enhancement shamans hereby disqualifies you from this discussion and your totem privileges have been revoked.

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Moo, censored, get out the way.

Why enh was nerfed 25%? Because it was ridiculously overpowered. Even after nerf, it’s still very good. Be honest and admit it.

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No dps not good after nerf 25% im play shaman 12 years this nerf is stupid

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Don’t worry mate, it’s just a game, life will get better eventually :slight_smile: if you wanna talk, I am here for you my mate! :kissing_heart:

No worries, I only play elemental anyways, which is in a super bad state :confused: but I will still use few totems, but not windfury one!

Well said!

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I’m tired of repeating the same thing over and over again. May it be the last time.
EDIT: There will probably be no last time sadly. It’s been 5 times or something already. Just read the thread…

We are not saying that we don’t deserve a nerf. SOME of our abilites are going through the roof indeed. SOME OTHERS do not.
I don’t see people complain about Stormstrike, Ice strike, Crash lightning, Frost Shock… Yet these abilities are getting affected by a global -25% dmg in the worst way possible.
However, Elemental Blast and our spenders in general are hitting too hard. We know they need to be tunned down. Nobody said otherwise.
Capiche ?

And Gageris, really ? “well said” ? Also Gageris:

Please, shaman, be honest with yourself, when someone serves you a poop-dish, it’s your duty to clean the plate, but not to ask for more…

Lets be honest - enhancer is dead until DF. In that state you literally cannot compete with other classes in any scenario. I hope it turns out that we get stronger in DF…

Hunter is also nerfed and that nerf to BM also puts them way back then before, enhancement is butchered true, they will buff it again am pretty sure they will. But dont you say that BM was near you before your nerf because you where alot ahead of them tbh. The reasoning behind this nerf is a mistery, dont flame on another class when blizzard is stupid to nerf 25% of a spec.

You can whisper me directly if you have something sensitive to say, I am here for you and I am good at keeping secrets! By the way I am glad you are OK, I was a bit afraid!

I agree with the fact that people are unhappy about the nerf and that some explanation would be nice, and also that maybe not everything should be nerfed. But at the same time I agree that ench needed a nerf, and some areas deffinetly deserved 25% nerf.

But why would you care about elemental blast or other direct abilities nerf, if you have an unique pvp build where lightning shield is doing most of the dps, nerf obviously didn’t affect you that much (I am not a pvp player, so I don’t know all of the pvp builds, but your seems to be quite interesting reflect based build! Thumbs up for creativity on your side :+1:).

P.S. when replying, if you add some sort of personal insult, that adds 17% to the validity of your arguments. Very nice usage of this mechanic, keep on going! Lets hope it doesn’t get nerfed by 25% :rofl:

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You dont agree with people being angry, you understand their anger, there’s a difference. As I said time and time again, our spenders needed tuning, we aren’t constesting that part. We are complaining about the rest of our toolkit.
Talking about saying “flat 25 deserved lol, i agree” is sterile, dorky, and makes me think that you didn’t read what i wrote earlier - or that you don’t really understand whats going on.

Trolling ? Oblivious to the fact that my lightning shield being top damage is a bad thing?
There is no special build, no unique pvp build revolving around lightning shield.
Have you ever played enhance ? What’s going on ?

Can’t you just f off ? Just leave. I don’t want you around. Godspeed.

Strong =/= OP
Also WoW is not about beating a dummy.

There are far stronger classes out there currently that deserve to be looked at. 25% nerf out of the blue is flat out insane.

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I tested Arms, Ret, Frost mage, Enh sham, Frost DK and Havoc DH - all on DF beta and on live, before and after pre-patch. Enh sham did uncomparable biggest dmg before nerf, no contest. Second was Ret, but it got nerfed too. All else had/have similar dps on raid dummy. What are your “stronger” candidates?

These nerfs have rendered the spec pretty useless for the remainder of the season/xpac, It’s pretty tragic how OTT they went with it.

Well i tested Enhancement too, and while i agree there were some outlier, a flat 25% nerf is just a stupid way to nerf a spec.
This is not something that can be debated over.

Nerfing something by 25% means you are saying “every single aspect of the spec is doing 25% too much” which is a laughable stance and if the spec got scaling aspects you just post-poned the problems without really adressing them.

It is a stupid way to adress the problem of a spec, plus if this was (as some says) something pointed at adressing DF they could have waited further to drop this nerf, but i guess the n°1 prio was to brutal nerf a spec that was never meta, during a post season time. Gosh the atrocity.

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25% has absolutely slaughtered us and the yes men that tout how Enhance is ‘ok’ on the Beta, no it isn’t - it’s in a terrible state, groups will prioritize another dps over you, or you will be the sympathy tag long with your friends.


Lol of course they’ll edit my post, but not reply to the hundreds of people upset at the change.

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