We need Cross-faction Battleground queues

Alliance racials are better on WoTLK and we still have same faction bgs.

Fix the matchmaking issue that encourages horde to play 5 man premades for insta queue, pubstomp alliance and discourages alliance to tag in BGs snowballing into even longer horde queues for solos and rewarding premade pubstompers even more.

Groups should at least have the same wait time as solos, it’s that simple.

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There is no evidence, but personal observation based conclusions. No way for us to predict when and how many will join solo que at same time, it is not scheduled.
Obvious fact is that PVP is not only out of balance, but not fun at this moment.
Farming reputation have better rep/per hour ratio on pvp events, ranking is limited. That’s why most ppl do not want to participate in battlegrounds.

X-realm bg will make the queue even longer… queue with a friend and enjoy faster queues

No offence, but what you say is:
Because of bad pvp balance, alliance players do not want to play it, as result horde wait time is undesirable long as solo que, so, make those who want to play as group to wait so long too…
What is that logic?

Alliance winrate is bad due to the sheer amount of premades they face, and it discourages the alliance players. If premades had to wait for their turn to enter BGs it wouldn’t be that bad.
Well personally facing the same 5 man premade multiple times in a row is the sole reason I stopped tagging.

There is definitely an issue with matchmaking and it needs to be fixed. Even if it doesn’t increase the number of alliance players it would still reduce the solo queue time for horde.

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That doesn’t fix the issue, not to mention it’s incredibly silly to expect me to lose all my progress and leave all my friends behind.

I don’t think we do? I have near instant battleground queues, and the servers are pretty closely balanced to 50/50.

There must be something keeping all those alliance away from BG’s, huh?


Guys are acting like they didnt know what is about to happen in pvp aspect ,but still created a horde chars. I strongly suggest you to reroll alliance , because once AV hit,or pvp gear introduced ,you shall spend many hours in queues. Meanwhile i enjoy my insta pop and i don’t give a flying F about your issue


No, we don’t need. We need at least something about balance with shamans and your queues gonna be OK. You should point on the reason, not on the consequences.

And yes, why you playing horde in a first place, if you value PvP? It was all the time of WoW alliance was insta-queue on BG, you can’t win without Will of Forsaken or Stun Resist?


I hope you Get it , that way horde will start reporting themself for unbalance. Resist,immune,resist.

Gogog we need to bump this

Same faction bgs are just so cringe


If it’s not shamans it’s the racials, and if it’s not the racials it’s the “PVP” event rep, and if it’s none of those it’ll be something else. Alliance players simply don’t want to PVP as much as Horde players. The problem was the same in classic vanilla, and you can’t honestly say shamans were the problem then. The solution was same faction BGs.

So basically horde want insta queues but still want to keep steamrolling everything with unbalanced class/racials

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Bruh how are we gonna steamroll everything if it’s cross faction and Horde fights Horde

Like do you listen to yourself, when you say/type things?

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Blizzard won’t change racials and shamans won’t be as good in the next phase. But the insane queues are there to stay. It doesn’t matter if paladins are the by far best class in pvp, the queues will still be insanely long for Horde.

No I dont wanna face shamans xd

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Well, the solution - play alliance.

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That’s not a reasonable solution.

Here’s how you make servers balanced:
Step 1: you don’t implement same-faction BG
Step2: you don’t implement cross-server BG

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