We need Cross-faction Battleground queues

Well, asking for same faction or cross server BGs is not a reasonable solution.

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Alliance know nothing. Horde often only make groups for faster queue. But once inside the bg they do whatever they would do when solo queueing. Only sometimes that a play on discord with a guildie.

I did lvl an ally for insta ques. Seeing how ally rotate every AB, or spread too much every WSG… Then no thanks, ally can’t do bgs.

When pointing out that rotations are bad or spread is too much in WSG, you are met by a wall of text telling you to s t.f.u, who cares, leave if you don’t like it etc.

Also chat on ally side is all dead… No communication what so ever. On horde side there are calls for inc’s etc. Ppl play a lot more together.

That’s why the horde wins a lot btw. Yes the team play and communication. And ppl play to win, meaning they rotate good and play objectives.

No the attraction of era PVP is ally vs horde. Blood moon is a stretch but the ‘lore’ sorta makes scene for that

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Totally agree. Should be cross faction, just to make the Ques faster

Sorry to hear that. I run bgs with a few friends and my win ratio is over 70%

good, there is no problem on the ally team then. All gucci

Also in case you didn’t notice , there is always a team of 5 premade on horde side, the the main reason for your win ratio is because of this. Ima following their discord channels,it feels like lfg on prime times

I main a horde, so ofc Im aware of that. But those are just standing in org saying “lfg group AB for faster que”.

They have no extra team play cause signing together. The issue is that ally gives up quicky, no communication (except your group when you sign with friends). They thrash you if you speak up.

They blame orcs and shamans, tho paladins absolutely rock in AB

Name one good reason who cross server BG isn’t reasonable

It promotes server imbalance.

Huh? Battlegrounds are already cross-realm so how does Cross Faction BGs affect server imbalance?

Half an hour?

I have experienced more than an hour (and there were 2 of us).

Totally agree, fun should be the main decision factor. When you cannot join game for over an hour because of faction imbalance then it is not fun at all.

When you cannot do quests for half a day because of griefing people then it’s not fun for me. The existence of cross server, cross faction bgs and the ability to move character makes servers imbalanced.

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Why did you roll horde at the first place? Oh wait ,because of the fancy racials … Do you regret your choice now?If so, reroll ,if not- carry the consequences of your own decisions ,exile


I like how its always if you win - its you are pro and your team is good. And nothing to do with 5 shamans in your team, right… just a coincidence. Ally always communicating in chat and always have a strategy in my games, sometimes few ppl don’t follow them, but mostly all good. You just don’t want to notice the imbalance of PvP right now, because it will means its not you who are good, this is a faction you chose to play because of that.

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It is.

Imaging if you will have a crossfaction BG. Everyone will reroll to shamans to press 1 button on BG, who gonna play alliance? You are already all rolled for horde for PvP for easy racials and that’s why horde is overpopulated on most realms, and now you want an another reason to people to reroll to horde.

Instead of just fixing freaking PvP balance by nerfing shamans and priests and all alliance will return to battlegrounds after that (including me).


The reason he says it’s not reasonable is simple: doesn’t want to give up the perks of being on the Horde side.

Imagine wanting to change to the worst side of PvP. Of course he calls it unreasonable xD

What in the world are you smoking my dude. What does being ganked on a PvP server have to do with Battlegrounds? If anything the lack of Battlegrounds are what causes the ganking in the first place because people have 1 hour queues so they go and find their PvP elsewhere ( they kill you in the open world )

I’m going to gank 200 Alliance in world pvp today just because of how silly your reply is.

Alliance being bad at PvP and refusing to queue solo isn’t my fault. If you want a dead solo queue, very well. I’ll just premade. But know that long queues just means you get ganked in world pvp even more as people get bored of having to wait.

I spend 100% of my time doing pvp only,ganking doesn’t brother me at all as long as i do it too but you sound like a very cringe guy ,long queues? …btw nice DH