We need high elves

If they add some I hope we get something like Xerxes throne from 300.

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sorry i had to.




That’s a good idea. Got any thoughts on fliers as well?

I love all the carriages ideas people are putting here.

Would be cool as well to see a Tiger mount (similar to Zulian tiger but without the Jewelery) just a simple plain Tiger.

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now that i think of it, i d love a wacky mecha gnome/goblin inspired train which could have 1-3 seats or something.


Some kind of plane mount would be cool, a gnomeregan bomber mount or something where the passengers could actually shoot (if only visually). I love the jungle hopper so it’s a big shame it’s recruit a friend only.

Maybe a quetzalcoatlus, we’ve had 2 expansions with pterodactyls so wouldn’t be totally out of place to get his big bro involved too.

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thats frightening, make it stop

It’s a shame the hive mind was locked to the people you did it with. None of the people I did mine with even play those characters any more.

It was a pointless restriction.

Also another carriage:-


One of the big kodo/clefthoof karavans the Horde have would be cool.

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yeah thats my biggest gripe with it. i dont have it yet but im not sure if i d find people who are willing to with this restriction. :joy:

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I wish I had the Hivemind. But alas. A carriage with alpaccas though, now that I would truly want.

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It would need a sound track too :musical_note: Dolly and Dot are my best friends… :musical_note:


The bombers wouldn’t require much work as some of them have multiple seats already and they’re definitely very appropriate. And yes, the hopper is really cool but unfortunately out of reach for most people. Really liking the idea of a big pterodactyl :+1:t2:

That would be great. Kodo and clefthoofs are pretty big in the first place and should be more than up for the task.

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Clickbait…? Drae moves in mysterious ways. Anyhow, it was effective to get our attention… smart one.

We may never know.

That explains why I top the charts in Classic as a healer. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Insert a picture about the Pope drawing bow and arrow

A tiger shapeshift! :tiger: Approved by the almighty King Bangalash - careful not to mention it to Hemet!

Maybe even the wyrmkin could be at play here, you know, the ones in Swamp of Sorrows and southern Dustwallow. It might be able to carry 2 players.


You might want to read that.

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Who are we? You want.

Not at all. The high elves (and by extension blood elves/void elves) are very clever people who’s had great success domesticating magical beasts as mounts. Surely they have insight to provide here. In other words, their wisdom is needed.


As a high elf myself I see the logic here…


That reminds me, there is that car with radio in the Goblin starting area. That would have been fun too.

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