We need high elves

am i seeing this correctly a hunter using a leather helmet?

yes :joy: guess the mail one didnt cover enough!

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ah yes of course you are correct

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I want a 20 character mount.

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Like a bus? A steam tank maybe, some of those are pretty big.

we need drows …

Night elves can actually fill the role of drow quite well since Shadowlands with white hair and black skin, and the Nightborne since the most recent patch. However, none of them would be very good for carrying passengers.

High elves please with op racials.

That was the most arrogant female Draenei thing you could have said by lore :smiley:

Dunkiee takes off her hood, and makes a quick flip around, generating what could only be called a hairstorm.

The Thalassian combs her hair back to its natural, long form and hides it with the hood once again.

Please. We, the daughters of Quel’Thalas, require extensive haircare. I am so grateful hoods like this naturally protect our delicate strands of hair… :haircut_woman:
And not only us, as the shal’dorei too revere their… permanent crown, so to say, and I don’t doubt that night elves wouldn’t clean theirs with all the herbs and bugs getting stuck in them while tending to the groves. :herb::lady_beetle:
No idea about the void elves as many of their hairstyles look like as if they just came out of a shower. Their shampoo of choice must be an immensely strong one, I bet…

So, such a mount is indeed a godsend for many of us.


V’oreal keeps the whispers at bay. And our hairstyles are magnificent.

A 3 seat flying mount would be most welcome by me!


I would pay good money for that!

This was quite entertaining to read :smiley:

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Not that far off some of the current planes in the game.

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