We Need Less Abilities

I agree in some way. It’s a confusing, complicated, complex and hard to learn for a new player. It is harder to balance. Also that’s the reason why PvP is too fast, and there’s chaos. PvP was way way better for me up to WoTLK. It’s hard to learn every single spell of every single class and specialization. There’s too much damage and heal sources. I prefer one big crit rather than 4 small different numbers that are spamming on my screen. Too much buffs, and procs that is hard to track, and a lot of them you ignore apart from choosing it because they are op.
There’s too many effects on raid even if you disable particles and spell density.

Other hand characters may become boring. As a Retri for me it’s a perfect amount of spells right now (I wish we would get back Hidrance. The slow on target), and I don’t want them to remove any, because it would kill in a small way class diversity, uniqueness, and small part of RPG aspect that is barely noticeable now on retail.

I would say they could extend a bit global cd’s, but I don’t want another FF XIV, and I know how nice is to cast spells on high haste or with BL/Hero. You feel like you are pumping huge numbers. It’s hard to find a middleground tho

As a Shaman and requiring 50 fingers to play, no. Play classic.

The game should be playable without addons and guides , the UI needs a major overhaul , things like boss timers , weak auras and so on should be built into the game , and the tooltips should tell players how there class works.


Nah. We just need buttons to actually be more distinct and do things like in classic, otherwise the amount of buttons is fine or could even be more on some classes.

I mean, u made that post on a max level warrior and u can smash ur fist on ur keyboard and perform, the main rotation without big cooldowns is like 3-4 buttons lol.

Id assume from this post you’re a newer player. They did this before and it destroyed the game. Every class had bis talents the rest were useless. You had 4 buttons to press and that was it, maybe 6 or 7 if you include cool downs.

I can say with 100% certainty you think it sounds good but they tried it and it was awful. Just learn to get better with what ability to use when.

Wow classic has more abilities than TWW for some classes, the difference is most of them are minor utility/flavour abilities rather than core rotational abilities. Though if you look at Fury Warrior in TWW vs Classic basic rotations.

TWW - Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Slam (almost never used, could be removed), Thunderclap/Whirlwind (depending on build), Rampage, Execute. Cooldowns depend on build but, Ravager, Thunder Roar, Avatar, Recklessness, Odyn’s Fury.

Vanilla - Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Execute, Heroic Strike, Cleave. Cooldowns include Death Wish, Recklessness (30min).

TBC - Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Execute, Heroic Strike, Cleave, Rampage (if spec’d). CD’s include Sweeping Strikes, Death Wish (spec depend), Recklessness.

WOTLK - Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Slam, Rend, Execute, Overpower (if spec’d), Heroic Strike, Cleave. CD’s include Recklessness, Death Wish.

The main big difference is in the number of cooldowns available to us in recent expansions, particularly since DF.

Have they made them simple again after DF?

I rolled DH in DF because it was simple with three buttons v

Turns out, mythic has a rotation of 18-20 different abilities and procs.

No they did not.Same Df madness.Same unfun builds.Have to manage and time when you hit things unless you want to do no damage.
They were never 3 buttons.
They used to be simple and straightforward.
It came out in Legion as a fun easy to pick up hero class…it’s not any of those anymore.
I still love it more than any other class but it’s not in a good place atm for sure.

Nope. You use fewer when talking about things which can be counted, e.g. fewer abilities, fewer pieces of pineapple on my pizza. You use less when talking about things which can’t be counted, e.g. less tired, less likely to eat pineapple pizza.

No pls keep the talents like its now. I really liked the old style where we could pick talents from 3 talent trees. And then we got cataclysm if i am not mistaken and we were only able to pick 1 from a row of 3. And when i came back last year i saw we just got back huge talent tree options. Ofc its much and i still dont understand shaman and its totems but havent played it much enough. For the holy priest. I like all the big heals it can do. I have created some very nice talent trees on it. And on resto druid and holy deathknight.

And about balance. There is only a handfull of players (i think) that can make it look OP. even if i have the talent tree of i pro i am not able to get the same damage. Also if there are so much abilitys i dont think ppl are able to follow a perfect rotation to be overpowered and so only uses a few ability’s. And i am not very skilled. I just just all OP abilitys in an order from cooldown long to short.