We need more diversity in Human RP

I don’t see Goldshire employee and Void elf prostitute, trust me the Saurfang questline was almost my death because of all of those peeps…

A mage in priest gear… Or a mage in priest gear?
Considering the fires as holy fire eh?

You shall freeze…

Wait, it’s not roast mog channel

Yet, all must join “that human guild”
You included :slight_smile:

I was offended when someone called my character as plain as white bread, maybe I just need to have some unique and super original character transformation… I know Ill die and be resurrected as a death knight! :sunglasses:


just kidding with you. you probably don’t remember who said that.

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I think we need more diversity in gnome RP



is human rp the white male of azeroth?



I bloody won’t :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But why? This guild is awesome, we are all awesome!

I’m a strong independant healer, and don’t need no guild. :yum:

B-but strength in unity! We must be friends! Hugs!..

We don’t need to be in the same guild to be friends.
Just don’t crush me with those hugz.

Kump be that kinda orc. Zug hug!

Well don’t worry I’m not Garrosh wanting to CRUSH EVERYTHING! LOK’TAR OGA- oh wait…

I mean, friends, soft hugs, hugs of Wisdom…


Edit: I am the good kind of orc, may ancestors bless you

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More Tortollan rp… they are very few.

We need more SI:7 rp…full of directors and teenage assassins.

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none of them make it to the water anymore :crab:

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Full of ex SI:7… I saw more Ex SI:7 than actual ones…

Oh…the SI:7 guild is full of gdrp.

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