Don’t know about the guild, but we need more SI:7…
Don’t know about the guild, but we need more SI:7…
Accord is the best SI:7 guild to ever be, change my mind.
Oh so now you want us.
Well sorry, we got bored dealing with aforementioned tripe.
laughs in 20 characters
GL of the Accord is the “Director of SI:7” and you really don’t see any issue here. In almost every case she claims that she is having personal meetings with Anduin.
You can’t do such stuff and expext to be taken seriously by other roleplayers. Furthermore look at her guild thread and think if the Accord is still “teh best”.
You wouldn’t know the good ones from common citizens at a glance. As it damn well should be!
Well, ICly you wouldn’t for sure, OOCly you can see them and OOCly know THEY EXIST
I mean more for showing up in campaigns, missions and stuff
Personally, I wouldn’t make a dedicated agent guild to advertise such, along with assuming too much implicit influence. Agents are best embedded anywhere and everywhere under both new and old guild tags as they serve their purpose with subtlety, skill, and expected professionalism.
I’m pretty sure he was sarcastic there.
oh you sweet, sweet child…
Yeah okay I’ll just spend money to rp a loser like I do irl anyway. Nice try heh
You should Join that human guild bryers! As the holy knight! :DDDDD
that’s my secret cap, i’m always a loser
I’m actually thinking of making a SI:7 guild but as I thought about it, it sounded a bit like Section 31 so I’m a bit hesitant.
YOu know, i was the Head of SI:7 once. Shaw answered directly to me. I whispered advice to Wrynn. I killed his enemies. But then i took an arrow to the knee. Don’t ask me who aims for gnomish knees, but they’ve got to be a master marksman.
It was a Marksmon
Uh oh so the Horde has Bullseye on their side then.
They’ve got snipers on the rooftops! EVERYONE, GET DOWN!
You may roll away
But only if you -roll- a natural 100