We need more female gamers

I hope so to! Though I think he needs to be tested at the hospital to make sure? They dont see anyone right now though…omg! Will you be like more powerful when you level up again now? Like + levels?

Haha i think lvl 10 will be my final level (stupid server transfer making me loose my trust level on the 120).

I dont know if he needs to go to hospital or not. Sometimes they just try medicine to see if it helps i think. I have several friends who has had kids with reflux and they all have different experience depending on the doctor they see. Some had to fight for a year to get help, others get medicine to try and if it helps then baby stays on medicine until bigger and then they try to wean it off to see if its gone or not.

My boy had reflux and they gave us a medicine to mix with his milk, kind of like a baby gaviscon. It helped then they weaned him off it as we started giving him solids at about 5 months and he’s never had problems since.

He will be fine though, as long as he is gaining weight and is thriving don’t let it worry you too much because babies pick up on that stress and that can make it feeding harder, your both stressed out etc

Glad to see you back here a bit :smile:

Oh and btw Yphera, if u havent already, have a look into babywearing, either with wraps or a carrier. It makes life so much easier imo.

…and this is what happens with more female gamers, we derail and talk about babies and stuff :laughing: sorry for offtopic (sorta)…


Alternatively these discussions may be read by other female gamers who may think “gosh, this baby stuff all sounds rather difficult and stressful, I’d be better just playing WoW forever” and then renewing their subscription! :grin:


I don’t think at this point it matters much if this thread is derailed :rofl:

Plus real men also like to discuss babies!


Wise choice young padawan!

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Hope he gets better soon.

Sometimes it can be a reaction to a milk type or an allergy/intolerance.

My youngest daughter had colic for the first year. I had to have her sleep upright on me when she wasn’t crying in pain :frowning: The doctor couldn’t do anything.

Yeah milk free diet can also help. Often they ask u to try that before medicine for reflux. Can be that he reacts to milk protein.

Did you seriously just typed that out loud…for real ?? Biggest brainfart ever.


My disabled daughter couldn’t even tolarate my own milk so she had to go on a lactose free milk.

One thing I will say is if you do go down the route of trying diff milks Yphera is don’t change them frequently, as side effects take some time to go and you won’t know which milk is causing it.

Yeah if u are nursing u have to go on a milk free diet yourself, the milk proteins pass over. But if its lactose intoleranse i guess u cant nurse at all? Either way it should all be done after talking to a doctor about it and making a plan together with the doctor.

I had to quit nursing… it was heartbreaking at the time.

I already sometimes find taking care of my sensitive stomached dog is already difficult, can’t imagine how hard it would be with a baby. :smile:

Subscribed 4ever!


Wait, that mean you can’t eat meat at all ? baby can’t handle proteins ?

Milk proteins. So milk free diet. Not meat protein :sweat_smile: and only if the baby shows signs of allergies/collic/reflux.

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I have 3 cats, one of whom also has a sensitive stomach and so I’m cleaning up cat vomit on a daily basis (in addition to cleaning the litter boxes), so the bodily fluids aspect doesn’t bother me. But when a cat jumps on my desk and gets in the way of WoW, I can just knock him off and he lands on the floor just fine. I get the feeling that would be less socially acceptable to do to a baby… :thinking:


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It was more serious for my daughter as her bowels were bleeding.