We need more female gamers

But only allowing some nationality or some gender is NOT racist or sexist.
I don’t think a guild has ever been ‘forbidden’ for such a thing. Of course, if you have proof of the contrary, do let me know and I’ll admit my error.

What Sexism has to do with creating of "specific gender only " guild ?

No, it’s not against the rules. You are quite right.
I’m personally alright with that, so long as they don’t go on boasting about it. That’s when I have a problem.

Why do I get this feeling that this comment is somehow… indecent? :grin:


It’s just you. Ceranity is innocent as a saint :innocent:


Either that, or I seriously need to improve my understanding of English language :blush:

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Yup, that’s me, never made a provocative comment in my life :innocent:


It’s the feet, right? You are one of those feet people?


If a man accepts only men in his team, is it then considered sexist?

This is identical when forming a guild. If you accept only males in your guild you are then sexist towards females, likewise, if you accept only females in your guild you are then sexist towards males.

The very concept of allowing some nationality or some gender only is, by nature of it’s very existence and purpose in existing, either sexist or racist. You would understand, if you were to apply logic, after all this is all that I did.

Thus, to showcase a simple example, when you mention you recruit only a specific nationality for your guild, you are specifically recruiting a very specific nationality while blocking another nationality purely upon the fact that the other person was born into that nationality.

Such is the way of things in…whatever world humans want to create.

Sometimes logic is hard to understand, I know, it requires you to think, but it gets you so far.

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Priests ,monks,masonic and knight orders ,they all have specific gender temple’s .Are they sexists ? Good luck suing any of those lol .
All kind of man’s and women’s clubs around world existing.
Ethnic minority organizations in countries ,are they xenophobic or racist ?Every county have those so its going to be quite long list for lawsuit lol.
People have right to talk their native language therefore specific nation only guilds .

So… is it just me, or is this still unclear after hundreds of replies if we are talking specifically women gaming humans, or more females in game? :thinking:

Asking for a friend


Hello Twíjfelkont! How are you? :blush:

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Heeeeey Gia! Long time no see, how’s you? I’m still lurking around, I like to dip in and out of the forums and this thread caught my attention :laughing:

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Nice to see you again! I’m fine thanks despite this dark times. Please stay safe and take care. :hugs:

(sorry for the ot)

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Unnecessary flaming man.
I really don’t care enough about this subject to continue when you conduct yourself in such a manner. Cya.

Interesting question indeed.

We are not sure what OP wanted to express with such cryptic message.
We should send this case to our specialists.


That gif really is the best thing ever.


depends on the situation .but as far as i know if there are enough reports then guid leader gets the message from gm .

Hahah sounds cool being able to say “eh I want to level this again…bring it down!” Yes he :smiley: is doing okish but I am taking him to the doctor tomorrow he cries a lot during his bottles and he throws up during them sometimes also…I think he might have reflux…he has been sleeping a bit propped up since he was born because he cant sleep on a flat surface but it doesnt seem to be getting better :frowning: he also has a cough! The midwife isnt allowed to come anymore with the whole corona thing so I cant ask her to check…doctor it is!

Yeah that sounds like it might be reflux. Poor little one :frowning: hope u get help at the doctors. And look, i’m level 10 now :joy: