We need more female gamers

We need more kultiran females*

Their eyes.

Their smiles.

Their /clap.

Their hair.

Their cute bellies.

Their beautifull cheeks.

Their accent.

Their strong hands.

Ahhhh… im in love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My partner has that accent but it’s milder now as he moved years ago… I love it :slight_smile:

You forgot their awesome dance moves

Yas, i kinda like babies, but i like toddlers more tbh, they’re why i started working in daycare some years ago


So sending the hyenas to you for a month or two!


Lf e-girl preferibly night elf

I actually laughed out loud at this. And I should be horrified by comments like this because I have a kid. What’s wrong with me?! :rofl:


I’m amused as well. Less socially acceptable sure, but definitely funnier >.>


One of my friends nicknames his KT female his ‘Thicc Mama’


Sure no problem! Youll get them back spoiled to bits though, have fun when i return them :smiley:

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There’s a reason why I prefer playing male characters in games!
I don’t want to drag attention + I just want to play the game.

daymn men have such a bad rep…

i wish we got robots for horny men sooner
to balance the attention given to both genders

solves population issues as well in a nice safe way for us low plebs

Not according to the videos I’ve seen. What she can do with a Scotch egg is disturbing and mind blowing at the same time.

There are definitely a lot more female WoW players but they are not all going flaunting their gender around for all to know.

Just the raid team of my guild has at least 2 ladies and more in the past. Couples playing wow together can be very fun people


Well, they might be there on diff servers.
Btw Nice, click bait thread.

We need more pervs. Jk this game has plenty.

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quoted for thruth

Yeah, really fascinating :joy:


I couldnt sit idle any longer.

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The verdict was hidden reflux and idk what its called in english when their tongue is white? I have to take care of that first and if he still has stomach issues after the doctor wrote down an anti reflux milk…no medicine for it though maybe if the milk doesnt help?

@ sin My sister in law gave me her carrier he always falls asleep straight away in there :smiley:

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