We need more female gamers

Pottermore is a great site for reading more info on the characters of you’ve never signed up you should.

You even get sorted into a house :rofl: I’m a Ravenclaw


Ravenclaw is very fitting for a void elf!

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I did yeah.


Oh I missed that :woozy_face: Not heard of it…going to check it out! :smiley:

I’m slytherin :sweat_smile::see_no_evil:

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I will look at this for her - my partner loves Harry Potter… I have only seen the first one myself. I still haven’t got around to watching Lord of the Rings haha

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My eldest is a Slytherin :rofl:

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Omg! I already made my little one a Lord of the rings puzzle and framed it to hang in his future room and a Harry Potter diamond painting! He HAS to like them :joy:

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My condolences :joy::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

My son watched Harry Potter for the first time over Christmas and fell in love with Dobby, we gave the last three movies a miss :rofl:

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You can’t protect him forever!



He’s 4!! I can’t break his heart

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But I can.

Did ya check the book series?

Oh no! You better keep Dobbies fate from him :rofl:

They are showing the movies here every saturday. I put mine in his bouncer infront of the tv so he can watch it but…he doesn’t seem very impressed so far…unless there is bright colors :rofl:

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Yes it looks great - thank you :slight_smile:

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30 minutes and I can leave work…

You still have to work?

Facility management where the political parties work.

Not many politicians working atm, and I mainly sit and open doors for packages, sort and deliver letters/newspapers to the political parties.

I don’t really meet many people.

I made the mistake to let my 6 year old watch prisoner of azkabahn… he havent slept in his own bed for 2 months now. Turns out he’s just as scared of werewolves as his mother :see_no_evil: