We need more female gamers

The first Movie is the scariest with Voldemorts face popping out of the book.

Oh thatā€™s alright thenā€¦better to be able to work anywayā€¦I am ment to start again in May on the 13thā€¦we will see :smiley:

@Sin and he was fine with the huge spiders in the second movie?!

I skip that bit!! :scream:

Well, I was home for 2 weeks with a cold (or it mightā€™ve been Corona), and Iā€™m finally back this week, it feels so niceā€¦

Yes, heā€™s not been scared of anything on the first 2, weā€™ve watched them several times and read the illustrated books. Then he nagged for about a month to watch poa and i caved in the end. It went fine until the scene where lupin turns into a werewolf :laughing:

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Haha poor little guyā€¦if mine is anything like me we will be skipping the spiders :smiley:

Though they only get scarier and darker :thinking: not sure when I would let him watch the last 2!

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Weā€™re not doing more HP movies for a couple of years now i think :sweat_smile: maybe when heā€™s like 8-9ā€™ish we can try moving on to the later ones, but they get more complex to understand and alot darker for each one. Will have to see when he gets older.


Let 'em Watch Childā€™s Play. ;>

Lol, think i was like 10 when i first watched that movie. Had to hide away all my dolls after that :joy:

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Iā€™m actually really creeped out by dolls, but I love the Childā€™s Play/Chucky Movies.

Probably because heā€™s alive and moves like a human with human Eyes and stuff. Not really as creepy as ssomething just staring all dead at you.

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I canā€™t wait to do more things with my little ones besides him sleeping, peeing or throwing up on me!

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You will miss these days though, itā€™s a paradox of parenting.

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I even miss being pregnant sometimes nowā€¦I had an excuse to eat a lot :rofl:

Edit: Scratch thatā€¦I had time to eat then :rofl:


Or happy tree friends, thatā€™s even worse imo.


As you so ask, so shall you receiveā€¦

It wasnā€™t quite -that- bad when I went to School, I mean, yes, our first head teacher was arrested as a Warsaw Pact Spy, and we were the second year to ever do the new GCSE Exams which were broken as heck, but at least Corporal Punishment had been banned at school. Essentially, you couldnā€™t be Caned anymore.

No one actually told Mr Pomfrey that. Nor I suspect, did he care, bless himā€™ looking back, he probably had a horrible life, he had been a POW in a Japanese Camp during WWII and, well, they did not have the best record as to obeying any rules of decency in War. Still, he was an intimidating figure, and whilst it was illegal for him to bend a lass or lad over a desk and cane them, it was not at that time, illegal for him to actually just hit us with the cane. Which he did. Woe betide the student trying to advance up a set up stairs, as Mr Pomfrey was coming down them, That walking cane flashed around in overarm strikes, side to side, diagonal attacks, and all manner of movements that would startle even an experienced medieval soldier. Even as Kids, we kind of knew that ā€˜Mister Pomfrey has seen some Shizā€™ and so never complained, but by Hades that old man packed a whallop with a caneā€¦

Stable guy to allow teaching.

Was that back in the 80s Brig? My brother had some right bleeps as teachers back then! Iā€™m lucky I was a 90s highschooler :rofl:

Brigs is born in the 60ā€™s

Closeā€¦70ā€™s, so yeah, when Mr Pomfrey was a teacher would have been 1986-92(after which I just donā€™t know, as I left after A-Levels!)

So youā€™re a Zeppelin boi?