We need more long grind rewards

ive completed most the long haul grinds like " the insane" and mage tower and the legendary weapons

can we please get more LONG grind achievements that give out rewards

i feel warcraft has put its foot off the gas for long haul grinds over the last 5 years

nothing really compares to " the insane" title
and if any meta achievement comes out recently most of us have done 50% of the prerequisites on release … making it redundant


We cannot have them because people will whine that they feel forced to do it :smiley:

I agree with you. Does not mean I have run out of things to do / grind for, but more stuff is always better :smiley:


they dont feel forced to do " the insane " title…

so why would they feel forced to do another title grind?

Yeah I dont think too many people feel like that about titles, I said it half-jokingly.

I agree with you.
I would also like more “secrets” like Waist of Time, Baal questline, the Lucid Nightmare or Hivemind mount etc.


Gratz on the Insane title. I like long grinds too but that one was a step too far for me :blush:

I’m currently working on Going to Need a Bigger Bag. Been on it for years but recently I’ve deployed a couple more alts to Timeless Isle.
My goblin warlock got the Falling Flame today. But I still need Huolon mount, Spineclaw crab, Warning Sign and Gu Chi swarmling. So I reckon this is months more grind for me.

If I got this done and Blazing Drake I might start on Insane pickpocketing phase (all I need for the cheev).

I do quite like these long grinds. The Shadowmourne one was pretty good.
But I could do without the RNG elements. Blazing Drake is still refusing to drop (I posted on these forums two years ago about lockout sharing tricks as I was weary of it then). Bad Luck Protection or a currency really should be added for these. 100 kills worth of currency should be enough.

i only need the blazing drake to complete the drake achievement too…
i just did a run and it didnt drop AGAIN


though i did get Urzhul from Antorus last week…
so i cant be mad

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I suspect they have built into the code that if you have all the other mounts in the achievement then drop rate from Blazing Drake drops to 0.0000001%.

If we started new accounts and got Blazing Drake first we’d probably be able to do the achievement faster.

Blizzard can’t be trusted with long grinds anymore, when one is introduced they’ll keep changing how its obtained until theyre happy, which normally results in some poeople finding a loop hole and doing it in a week just for it to be fixed and everyone else has to grind for a month.

Look at a world awoken and how many times they changed primal storms before they reverted back to how it was released a year prior, another recent change was the ominous conch where it was changed for no reason what so ever.


the drop rate is currently 0.23% on wowhead
but 3 months ago it was 0.3%

im guessing the drop rate has dropped due to the lack of people trying to get Blazing drake

im happy its hard to get, just wish it wasnt so deep into the raid lol…

The EU should outlaw any drop rate under 2%.
It’s degenerate game design.


were not long grinds at all tbh.

yet are missing so many of the basic long grind ones for example doing the legion class halls for all classes.

So much fun and great to do.

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Its not a proper number as it does not take into account TW kills , it has a chance to drop in the cache from firelands raid.

Reins of the Blazing Drake - Item - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

they actual number stated by blizzard is betwen 1% and 3% because not everyone who has it has a wowhead account to boost there numbers. Should try and do the heroic raid DS that is even worse as you can not make a weekly skip.If you are actually clearing normal DS every week then i do not understand why as you can do a skip its only heroic you can not.

I’ve tried doing the skip on DS Normal and Heroic. Neither worked.
I did the skip for Mimiron’s Head which I got. I’ve done Firelands quite a few times using the skip too but no drops.
Can’t get the skip to work on DS, not sure why since Firelands does work.

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Heroic sadly you can not which really sucks, but for normal do up to the boat boss then save and leave the last 2 bosses. Saves a bit of time but still leaves the awful spine fight if you do the spine then try and save for some reason it will not work.

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Hmm, never tried that.
I googled this several times and never read anything like this.
Will try it though. Not sure how many chars I have left this week so might have to wait til next week.

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i had to do endless heroic DS for years for life binder i know the pain got it in May finally.

Long grinds still exist. The Taivan mount achievement for example. The only reason it seems short is because we did 90% of the work before it was introduced.

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people are scared of grinding in an mmo nowadays. any time they add anything interesting the forums start crying like little babies till its nerfed to oblivion