We need more long grind rewards

Im not exzctly a focused player (i gave up with tsivan cuz i wasnt subbed during forbidden reach period) but i consider long grind a good thing. Im working to 102th and 103th rep with calm and no hurry.
More “insane” grind ingame!!!

I don’t see them adding something valuable to grind when people say that less things to grind = better (therefore they consider DF best expansion cause they don’t NEED to do stuff), and when you get insta rewarded simply for logging in the game (trade post). Times change.

Its easy sure but far from instant rewards thats just pure hyperbole and trolling to be fair.

think im on my 120th rep at exalted something like that i forgot

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For me are laughing skull and the one from firelands.



Axran - Achievements (Reputation) (blizzard.com)

is handy to let you see, you are missing so many easy one’s

theres a difference between " POWER player grinds " like shadowlands
and achievement grinds

they are 2 separate things

= achievement grinds are non player power rewards like Titles or mounts~
which is not essential

No idea what are you talking about. I’m playing classic. Logging one time in a month on retail, looting 500 tenders from a chest. Yesterday I bought cool fish mount, which analogues are only from blizzard shop and from fishing in dalaran (also this one can’t even fly, only in nazjatar with bubble). Spent almost 30 seconds to get this mount btw.

Then you do not understand how the trade post works in full.

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strange its not showing some of them , its player bound.
if i log on my main i have more achievement points than is currently stated

in game i have 29935 as example. but on forums it says 29745

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Yeah should be easier to track in TWW when its per account.

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For some people player power isn’t a goal in this game. Locking something unique behind grind achievments will make them mad just as player power grind.

Enlighten me how me getting unique mount for logging in the game for 30 seconds isn’t free

i would love to see transmog rewards more

maybe a set of unique model of weapons or illusions instead of mount and title rewards

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because you generalised the trading post to make it sound like that was all it is. look i know you like forum pvp but please do not wreck the OPs thread.
Its not unique btw there is already another colour in game.

Id love to see some illusions on par with the PvP ones.


exactly. same. illusions are an easy code too. its barely any memory to update the game files with new illusions

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Can’t have that anymore to much cries on forum if anything is to hard to grind out.

After spending a hideous amount of time grinding all the goblin reps killing mobs for one rep over and over. There is no way my main is going for the Insane title.

I guess maybe some day I could do it on an alt.

Nah the amount of people that would invade the forums and the Blizz office are going to be insane complaining that i’m paying a Sub…

No we don’t.

I don’t see you having 500 honor level so you don’t grind wow