We need more long grind rewards

The current version of the insane is nothing compared to how it used to be before they nerfed it in cata or mop, don’t remember, and before they added the darkmoon island. It used to be much, much worse.

might start doing the pet battle options.

think i stopped at the ulduar boss fight for pet battles

i tried queuing into pvp pet battles but the queues take hours

Yeah outside of the pet battle week it was nigh impossible to get any kind of groove going

They really haven’t found a way to make people want to pvp pet battle. They have even tried making it a weekly quest but still the take up is low from what I’ve read.

A friend tried and repeatedly faced the same expert player who annihilated him.

should just be an AI pvp battle
that would fix it


That is an excellent suggestion!! :bulb:

i started playing Ret btw :slight_smile:

i got 1800 within like 26 games for the elite set cause … its the best mog ive ever seen

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see :slight_smile:
pvp elite set is beautiful for pala

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Has anyone recruited all possible followers in their garrison? I think there are over 200.

I’m at around 150 followers, I think the addon says there are 300 more to recruit.

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Go get the mount that involves Mawshrooms in Korthia, Darkmaul. You don’t have it…

There’s your grind for the month+.

Always a hit if you achive your long time goal and then what? Many high level athlets goes into depression if they hit there goal

What about 250 000 honor kills for the bloodthirsty or honor level 500 mount

You will find a new goal keep going have fun

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i wanted a gnome army but gave up after a while :smiley:

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Some have, we even had one guy post on the forums when he’d got them all. He’d kept going long into the next expansion. I can’t remember how many years ago he posted though.

Google didn’t fail me!

Tried this today with no success.

Cleared up to boat on Normal with my human warrior.
Hearthed to Dalaran.
Created group in LFG and joined on my human DK.
Entered Raid got 6/8 Cleared message, accepted.
Waited to be Party Leader and kicked my human warrior.
Took portal to boat and did Spine and Madness.

Repeated the LFG on my Warrior and joined with my Void Elf Warlock.
Got 8/8 cleared. Took portal to find Deathwing dead.

This is how I normally do the skip for Firelands and it works fine there.

Sorry to hear it did not work that is a real pain and slog to do then :frowning:


If it doesn’t drop by the end of summer I’ll just be giving up and retiring from wow.

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its on the BMAH now and then, not too bad tbf

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