We need more long grind rewards

Some have, we even had one guy post on the forums when he’d got them all. He’d kept going long into the next expansion. I can’t remember how many years ago he posted though.

Google didn’t fail me!

Tried this today with no success.

Cleared up to boat on Normal with my human warrior.
Hearthed to Dalaran.
Created group in LFG and joined on my human DK.
Entered Raid got 6/8 Cleared message, accepted.
Waited to be Party Leader and kicked my human warrior.
Took portal to boat and did Spine and Madness.

Repeated the LFG on my Warrior and joined with my Void Elf Warlock.
Got 8/8 cleared. Took portal to find Deathwing dead.

This is how I normally do the skip for Firelands and it works fine there.

Sorry to hear it did not work that is a real pain and slog to do then :frowning:


If it doesn’t drop by the end of summer I’ll just be giving up and retiring from wow.

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its on the BMAH now and then, not too bad tbf

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