We need more male gamers

You have character called Blacklock with spikey fel helmet on, talking about cringe.


Yet here you are, like a fly in a pile of


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Because Iā€™m black in rl and I meant the people posting pictures of topless dudes. I actually laughed with you and even gave it a like but okay lol

Whatā€™s wrong with my elite helm?

Itā€™s in the title of the thread, but go onā€¦

Well that canā€™t really be avoided, it appeals to a common female power fantasy. To get away from that theyā€™d have to remove those race/gender combinations from the game, and thatā€™s a bit extreme based on the actions of a small minority of gamers.

That was me and it was one dude, but its ok, we can say it made the whole topic cringe with that one post out of nearly 50 :stuck_out_tongue:

I know but it justā€¦ sometimes I cant help it and percieve that fact as they are trying to appeal to other girls to get ingame advantages like free gold from frustrated teen girl gamers, free carry into raids and arenas etc.

makes me sad


God I remember when my wife tried to get me into that series and that episode and that scene came up. Cogs almighty anyone would think sheā€™d seen a miracle such as a turtle giving birth to a singing chimpanzee playing a kazoo.

His father is a far better actor as well. There I said it.

Where are all these females at ? asking for a friendā€¦ :joy:

Hot or not, heā€™s just a product of nepotism anyway :-1:

But yes his father is much better.

most of them play belfs or main horde because when they started playing, horde was already the dominant faction

Tbh I have more Horde chars than alliance at the minute. My ring is still rather sore about the burning of Teldrassil and not being able to go there :upside_down_face:

Butā€¦ theres plenty of Bro-Gamers out there to have a laugh with. Wouldnt surprise me if this thread is bait lol

You are the part of the problem, oyu know that? Just bathing in that girl attention all the time, making all of us other male gamers look flirty and needy, so some of us just lie about our gender and roll vulpera or female blood elf and refuse to go on voice.


Nice to see you have a sense of humour mate. When we off to party ? haha :joy:

what makes you think youā€™re cool enough to party with him/her ?

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Jesting aside , if you dont have lots of bros to game with perhaps youā€™re the issues? I only have 1 finnish girl on my real I.D and she doesnā€™t play anymore. Iā€™m hella casual

Lighten up :v:

Victim blaming is never right.

What makes the ā€œmore female gamersā€ topic successful is all the thirsty ppl.

Almost all male players here look alike me, I guess.

Me, last summer :smile:



I regret commenting. Thought it was light hearted but clearly for some theres more personal feelings involved