We need more male gamers

I’m sorry that I can’t express my sarcasm in text

Technology still has a long way to go.

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gnomes whisper :frowning: im sorry my big ears are just for show homie

Dude you are beuatiful. Do not be ashamed of your body. It is this social norms we live in taht tell us we have to look like johny depp to fit into beuaty standards of mainstream and it is all wrong.

You need to embrace your gorgeous natural body and just ignore all the girls who cant see how beutiful you are on the inside! They are mean!


In before other males will post their photos here…
There is really no need to make tinder here… :sunglasses:

Oh my, next we’ll have «share your tinder» topic or something :sweat_smile: (is that even a thing? Never been on tinder, so dont know of u can share your profile :woman_shrugging:t3:)

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I think this is the jist of Reywhiskers’ complaint, men can’t be who they are without being descended upon by lusty female gamers or fellow men making accusations of cheap dating plots.

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Not really what I had in mind.
I mean isolation can do a number on someone’s head, but privacy, self respect, lack of need for internet validation should still ring a bell :thinking:

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I tried smiling in front of a mirror once

now it’s shattered glass


Btw, actually the guy in the photo it’s not me. Just as a joke :blush:


i laughed more than i should

Of course everyone does. That should be obvious. I mean, I have long pointy ears and glowing green eyes in real life too :grinning:

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I’m so relieved to hear that. Especially in the morning, I also look like I have been risen from the dead by the Lich King.


Don’t we all…

Nope. Perfectly fabulous here :smile:

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Well I don’t believe you :slight_smile:

Edit: and I was referring to your character, by the way. He’s undead, after all!

Indeed, it’s obvious every WoW player looks like their forums characters.

Argh! Just the thought of anyone thinking I’m not an Undead elf infused with Void and who-knows-what is outrageous.


I know how to solve your issue :smile: !


Excellent thread promotion. Well done!

I still wait your push up for X achievement missing :smiley: !