We need more male gamers

You’re an elf and thus disqualified for hideousness.

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Few things are more abominable than male night elves :nauseated_face:

None of this is original.

Impossible…impossible… girls doesn’t fart! :flushed:

I decided (stupidly) to check youtube for vids and came across hot girl farts… eww


Okay, I don’t mind a girl farting.

But I’m not gonna actually go and look at effing videos where girls fart.

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Haha I didn’t watch it… but boy there are a lot of them… the things people like I guess :rofl:

Oi you! Get outta here! You know you love me!

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I love their voice - although I do wish they had a bit more of a waistline.

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Shouldnt that be more like
To stay on topic?

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It’s clearly a male gaming cat


Well… some buy ‘‘Gamer Girl Bath Water’’…

Surely he shouldn’t be out of the garage if that was the case :stuck_out_tongue:

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Haha this is true!

I’m too much of a basic taco to even feel slight interest in it.

All I feel is anger over those degenerates that buy it…

I mean I’ve heard -of- this, but really? That is actually a thing? How can they uhh, tell, if it is a male gamer or a female gamer’s bathwater. Just asking…for a friend who is trying to make money. totally…


People will buy anything, worn socks, worn undies, bath water etc.

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*Curses as he realises that even the ‘asking for a friend’ joke doesn’t work anymore as he is not actually -allowed- to take Baths! Gawd Dammit!

Well, there’s this twitch thot, and she bathes in water, puts that water in a bottle and people buys it.

I mean, it touched her booty and stuff, who wouldn’t want?