We need the ban hammer early

They have setup a few lvl 1 rogues in different layers with an auto invite add-on, they just need to whisper the one they want to get automatically changed layer.

They are farming thorium, black lotus, etc… with this (can see it in their stream).

No one should be given any slack. The whole purpose of wow classic was to avoid the exploits from x-realm and layering and what not. This should be addressed ASAP.

Edit: There have been more and more reports of insane abuses that will destroy wow economy if Blizz doesn’t act. Blizz should be faster on this. Just strike the ban hammer hard until you fix layering. You should make a clear statement that people abusing layering will be banned.


"bat muh klassigz’

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Yes. So?

We’ve known this would be done ever since we knew layering was going to be in the game. This is not surprising at all and people have been talking about it for a long time. Of course they should not be banned for it. They are taking advantage of something Blizzard felt they needed to implement in Phase 1 - everything have up- and downsides.


No we have not known this would happen. Your other guildies and friends should not be on a different layer. Basically, you should not be able to switch layer unless you’re getting an inv from a complete stranger. A simple ‘social circle’ sorting algorithm can be used to isolate a guild and their buddies in a single layer. Blizz already said they are implementing such layering system. They should ban these people since they are obviously trying to do something Blizz is trying to prevent with their algorithm.


what server are they playing on, cause you can kiss that server economy good bye for a very long time like it was in a certain private server that went down during 2015.


Unbelievable how motivated some streamers must be to kill Classic in the first few weeks.
I am speechless, Blizzard has to finally act and hand out bans for those people. Classic was supposed to be free from that crap that happens in retail, so why do we get this now?

Right on day 1, I saw the AH and how leather did only cost a few copper as a stack of 20. I was confused about it, never would I have thought that the reason is exploiting. Bots I can accept, lets face it, they are just a part of WOW, but streamers that exploit in pubic and are not punished is just a big no go.


Realm hopping was not a thing in vanilla


Agreed. Streamers really are the scum of the gaming world


True, Classic is not Vanilla though.

I don’t understand why people are acting so… “surprised” I guess. People were abusing layering during the tests, to see, what was possible. Everybody knew that it will happen upon release. And sure enough, it did. This is why Blizzard told players, that they’ll remove it in/before phase 2, so that the players won’t ruin the economy. Little did Blizz know, underestimated the no-lifers, sure enough, they already doing it.


Less or more every server

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it should be stopped right now

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I love this so much. APES are absolutely owning Classic.


Gehennas or something.

I’m happy that I’m not playing in that server. Absolutely no point and total waste of time with these exploiters.

Highly recommend going ti different realm peeps.

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Just because you can does not mean you should, or that you are allowed.

You could climb up atop stables in AB, but it was an offence. You could blink into Mount Hyjal in Vanilla but it was also an offence.

Layering was meant to reduce the stress and crowds on a realm not for you having 3 extra realms for gathering Materials.


Apes has always played like that, always seatching the bug exploit, never to be talented, the down of Rag & Onyxia is the perfect exemple. On northdale (lightshope) they created one guild Ally side and another horde side, so they could cross faction collusion. They cheated for rank 11-14 with the GMs and so on. Feel bad for Gehenas .
As an old player i blame blizzard, they deliver a game which is not vanilla and not even polished (bugs everywhere)


Agreed that Blizzard need to hit pretty hard with banning for using this exploit, it is clearly a violation of their terms. Also with the XP bug, there has to be some faith restored.

On a side note, I can completely understand that a player from Apes would want to invest all means into becoming some sort of server elite. After all they invested pretty much their entire life into a game, and since it basically is your entire life, a natural drive for human beings is to strive for something to make their life more complete. But to do it by using an exploit is just a bit sad. Of course people have been cheating with various things for ages, but since this is about e-peen after all, what’s the point if people will look down on you for how you did it? Sad…


People are exploiting this, the exp for raiding dungeons, stopping the afk-kicker from kicking them. They won’t be punished.

if you think these big bad streamers are influencing light leather prices… think again
they’re talking about black lotus, thorium and devilsaur leather, not light leather scraps


All people doing this should be banned.
They probably won’t be banned as blizz doesn’t really care (losing subs is losing money after all, who cares about the actual players?).

So with all the server data shouldn’t take long to find people exploiting the layering systems, shouldn’t even need a reporting basis in this day and age just crunch the numbers through collections per account, normal distribution and find the percentile that 's actively exploiting the layering.

This is something that can be automated through machine learning to a high degree of accuracy.