We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Let’s be real, even though I’m main alliance I have an horde alt character and it feels horrible for the other faction.

Queue times will be even worse for horde players, and saying “they’ve chose the more popular faction” is no solution. Nobody likes queueing 30-50minutes for a single Battleground. Are they any plans to offer faction vs. faction or mercinary mode to combat queue times?

Since a lot of people keep bringing up that the population disparity would be so huge resulting in these queues, the disparity is 48% A / 52% H. Horde players literally get punished because a lot of alliance players won’t queue PvP, and in TBC it gets worse, because as alliance you’re so quickly honorcapped with 1/10 of the queue times that even less alliance players end up queueing.

Suggesting players to switch factions & characters they’ve invested a lot of time in is no solution and just a bandaid fix. You should be able to objectively look for a solution to bg queue times.

The elephant in the room are racials, which were a mistake in the first place and should’ve never worked in PVP environments in the first place.

While they sure add a lot to race identitys, people are obviously quite stubborn about merc mode which won’t affect them personally, yet can’t bring out another solution.


Horde queue times now have surpassed the 1-1.5hour mark, sometimes 2 hour+ queues for AVs and an average of 1hour+ for the others, killing any incentive for casual play.


Please stop bringing up faction balance = queue times. Alliance barely plays any PVP and Horde gets punished for it. Through the whole duration of classic alliance was the FOTM with over 54% Alliance & still had instant bg queues.

Furthermore stop bringing nonsense arguments of Phase2 Classic WoW in the Pool, alliance had more players, alliance murdered the Horde just like Horde did. It was server specific & everyone on a server where the enemy faction was dominating had a bad time. The whole phase was literally designed to be an open battlefield, if you didn’t like that you should’ve rolled on a PVE Server or blame Blizzard for creating a system that promotes Open World PVP to absurd levels.


Just to further add (this is outside of bg queues), it would be good if we could get any information why we’re running on the 2.4.3 honorchanges which came around Season 4. This makes zero sense at all because it dramatically nerfed the honorgain through AV Weekends (the best AV Grind in TBC by far) & we don’t have the reduced honorgear cost which came in later seasons. Currently we’re running:

  • Max Honor Gear Costs
  • Honorchanges from 2.4.3 (no trade-ins for the same marks)
  • EOTS Objective Nerfs 2.4.3 (zero bonus honor for flags).

Any information on if this is an oversight or an intended change to reduce the honorgain even further would be appreciated.


How many threads does this need there are multiple all asking for same thing.

It sucks to be them but that’s the price for overpowered racials and overpopulated faction and all the benefits of having more players to make groups , more players to gang up on underdog faction out in the world.

But let’s be real your Allience is your alt and the horde is your main otherwise you wouldn’t be asking for rediculous changes that make Allience even worse adding to a greater imbalance I swear if they add Merc mode it’s just gonna be horde Vs horde as there will be no point in rolling Allience at all.


This is probably just an alt character of somebody who has already posted the topic.


I doubt any horde player cares about racials, hell if it was me they’d remove racials altogether in bgs. Why is this community so stubborn to understand the opposite faction? People use mercenary mode in retail, as if anyone cares about Racials.


People absolutely do care about racials that’s why the Allience queue is instant and horde queue is massive you care since your re-rolling a horde character now. You wouldn’t be complaining on the forums if this wasn’t the case.

In retail they care as almost every server is horde dominated everyone knows that but you cannot compare this with classic as they have warmode where they can turn off world PvP whenever they want so that now you cannot get ganked whenever and being cross server grouping even as Allience is easy as the pool of players to group with is huge in comparison.

Even in retail they know Allience is underdog as they give them much better rewards with warmode as incentive for them to turn it on.they also give them additional rewards for queuing into battlegrounds


Nah its just faction inbalance and its community issue.
Dont worry, when they open portal there will be more leveling wpvp where are no ques and horde got advantage being dominant faction in pvp.


You know some people roll horde because they like the races/atmosphere right?


Yeah and you know players min/max right? Hence the queue disparity players min/max the best PvP race/class combo which just so happens to be horde then get a suprise Pikachu face when they queue and realise almost everyone does the same. The reason the Allience queue is shorter is there is a smaller pool of players.

It’s also the reason why everyone rolls undead/bloodelf/orc

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a troll horde warrior in PvP for example why is that I guess it’s because nobody likes the race huh not that orc/undead racials are superior


Having to wait 15 min is a good bargain, I prefer the long queues that been surrounded by men 30-40 old playing female characters “bEcAusE fEmAlE aNimAtiOn aRe bEtTeR”


almost everyone cares. thats why tbc will be heavily horde favored and in wotlk suddenly everyone decides to go alliance


Horde already have a litany of advantages and overpopulate the majority of PvP servers and you want to take away one of Alliance’s only big advantages? Great way to 100% ensure Alliance utterly dies.


You seem pretty insecure :rofl:


I’m not the one posting with the female toon Jerom


Because i am not gay, so why i’d wanna watch male characters, smh.

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Come on keep it civil. I do agree that people care about racials, my point is that there are many who simply don’t or would gladly prefer lower queue times in exchange for worse racials in bgs.

I dont understand why a lot of people are so negative about the fact that some prefer horde or just want to min/max and suggest options which have no downsides for them.

The only positive side about going alliance is faster BG queues, and now you want to take it away from us? Can we also implement a mode where I can turn of world pvp as alliance then? I know I rolled PvP server, but now I’m upset about it and want to have the perks of a PvE server while still having the option of world-pvp whenever I feel like it? //sarcasm


you can already have that, on alliance :slight_smile:


You do realise it will only get worse alot of players from Allience will be re-rolling horde now since better racials for PvP and now PvE as well and bloodelfs will be very popular. Expect queue times to increase when blood elfs max and Allience have gotten a few items they need from pvp

Any changes like mercenary mode will cause the Allience as a faction to collapse with lots of threads asking for faction swap to be added to the store because it’s the final nail in the coffin for the faction for Pvp.

If you want better queues buff Allience racials or remove them completely.

The percentage of PvP players who chosen horde for atheistic reasons are a small minority. Most chose them simply because they are better by a good margin it’s always the same combos undead rogues,locks,priests and orc warriors,rogues,shamans and blood elf anything


Then you are among the minority, if they reversed the racials then the horde would complain like bloody murder.


No, go to retail.