Let’s be real, even though I’m main alliance I have an horde alt character and it feels horrible for the other faction.
Queue times will be even worse for horde players, and saying “they’ve chose the more popular faction” is no solution. Nobody likes queueing 30-50minutes for a single Battleground. Are they any plans to offer faction vs. faction or mercinary mode to combat queue times?
Since a lot of people keep bringing up that the population disparity would be so huge resulting in these queues, the disparity is 48% A / 52% H. Horde players literally get punished because a lot of alliance players won’t queue PvP, and in TBC it gets worse, because as alliance you’re so quickly honorcapped with 1/10 of the queue times that even less alliance players end up queueing.
Suggesting players to switch factions & characters they’ve invested a lot of time in is no solution and just a bandaid fix. You should be able to objectively look for a solution to bg queue times.
The elephant in the room are racials, which were a mistake in the first place and should’ve never worked in PVP environments in the first place.
While they sure add a lot to race identitys, people are obviously quite stubborn about merc mode which won’t affect them personally, yet can’t bring out another solution.
Horde queue times now have surpassed the 1-1.5hour mark, sometimes 2 hour+ queues for AVs and an average of 1hour+ for the others, killing any incentive for casual play.
Please stop bringing up faction balance = queue times. Alliance barely plays any PVP and Horde gets punished for it. Through the whole duration of classic alliance was the FOTM with over 54% Alliance & still had instant bg queues.
Furthermore stop bringing nonsense arguments of Phase2 Classic WoW in the Pool, alliance had more players, alliance murdered the Horde just like Horde did. It was server specific & everyone on a server where the enemy faction was dominating had a bad time. The whole phase was literally designed to be an open battlefield, if you didn’t like that you should’ve rolled on a PVE Server or blame Blizzard for creating a system that promotes Open World PVP to absurd levels.
Just to further add (this is outside of bg queues), it would be good if we could get any information why we’re running on the 2.4.3 honorchanges which came around Season 4. This makes zero sense at all because it dramatically nerfed the honorgain through AV Weekends (the best AV Grind in TBC by far) & we don’t have the reduced honorgear cost which came in later seasons. Currently we’re running:
- Max Honor Gear Costs
- Honorchanges from 2.4.3 (no trade-ins for the same marks)
- EOTS Objective Nerfs 2.4.3 (zero bonus honor for flags).
Any information on if this is an oversight or an intended change to reduce the honorgain even further would be appreciated.