We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

mixing solo queue and premade in PvP games was always a recipe for disaster

But it’s not just the fact that you have to wait for a long time. The que time is annoying but the worst part of it is that you literally can’t do anything else in the game while you wait for the bg, because every time you get out of the bg you get teleported back to the battlemaster. Maybe change this, so that you can que for bg anywhere through UI, not just at battlemasters, and the que times wouldn’t be that disrupting. In reality it affects many other aspects, you can’t farm gold, you can’t mine etc., just afk and wait in OG whole day.

Alliance has an easy way to counter the racials, just premade your bg team. On the other side, logging as a premade won’t help you with que times as a Horde. Waiting for 30 minutes to get rekt by a premade in 3 minutes is no fun either.

By the way my realm is 40% H, so I get ‘punished’ for other people on other realms… eh.

What the hell is wrong with these trolls using the argument “Horde won all in Classic so deal with it”, or “play alliance if you want fast queu”.

This is toxic, and dont reference them.

A mercenary mode would help the alliance win more and have faster queus.
If the populations could be normally distributed for the queu, everyone would have a 2 minute queu. Is that not a good thing?

Alliance wins just fine and no it wouldnt be good that horde gets reduced queue time.You rolled to more populated faction so deal with it.


It’s not more populated on my realm yet I have 30 minute ques, what do you have to say to me? It’s not just about the q times, it’s that you can’t do anything in the meantime and you just afk in OG all day. So most of the gameplay is not even playing at all. It’s just mean what ur saying

We could also have a balance between racials at the start of classic, right? Since ppl ask for retail merc mode we can also use the retail racials like EMFH, nerfed WOTF etc. Not sure if all the horde that cry for faster ques would agree to that tho

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But in TBC alliance hame much better racials for most of the classes. Paladins, priest - dwarf no choise, thanks to popularity of setaps with rogues. Rogue - human no chance, because opener on enemy rogue give you free win in 2x2. Druids, NE because of drink-stealth. Warrior? Gnome, no comments here.

Maybe warclock is better to be undead, and schaman 100% orc.


Wait, what?! You compare
-a nerfed stoneform (in tbc blind is no longer a poison, so it can’t be removed via sf in case you missed that),
-a drinking trick in a fast meta like it is in tbc (especially since double dps is a thing) that is even more useless vs pet classes even if they are half decent,
-and a root/slow removal once per 1 min
-a free 2nd trinket vs fears (in other words vs priests, locks and warriors) without shared cd like it is in retail
-or a passive stun resist chance that can easily ruin the “go” of enemy team


What do you mean? People overexaggerate the use racials horde vs alliance way too much.

  • Perception wins openers and is beyond broken combined with WL.
  • Shadowmeld is insanely useful for stealth classes & warriors, basically anyone who benefits from out of combat states.
  • 2nd Trinket for Roots & Slows. But lets just watch WOTF, because thats another type of CC amirite?

You guys are delusional and prob have no clue how to use racials altogether, just jumping on the bandwagon on your 1.5cr.

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Ye obv clearing roots/slows is so op and broken that only gnomes got a mechanic for that. Gnomes and maybe shamans with ghost wolf. Oh and maybe druids with travel form. Oh and maybe palas with freedom. Oh and rogues with improved sprint. Oh and mages can blink out of roots. Sooo broken that literally half of the available classes got a similar mechanic. Meanwhile besides WOTF and warriors nothing else can break fear.
Also yes “yOuArErItE” fear and root is a COMPLETELY different type of CC. The one is a full loss of control while the other is a partial

Edit: Btw escape artist doesn’t make you immune to the following effects while wotf does. Gl with a lock covering 1st fear with a 2nd. Or Making a rogue get off your D with a MC after he break your fear


perception maybe wins opener vs rogues and druids , its not a permanent buff like stun restistance and is completely useless against every other class and after the opener.
you realize you cant use shadowmeld while in combat?
roots and slows have no DR and can be instantly reapplied, fear is on DR and WOTF makes you 5 seconds immune.

nobody says alliance racials are bad in arena but horde are clearly better and thats enough reason for all the metaslaves to roll horde, doesnt matter if they are good or bad at the game.


Its like Stun resist helps vs ALL Classes. Even there the arguement counts its just helpfull vs a few classes. And worst problem you all dont see EVEN if some of Racials are so Strong they will just really have the advantage in Arena and there Horde wont have Longer queues… And again alot people like ME rolled Horde because this was our Decision in Vanilla already BEFOR we did know about any impact of racials into PvP

yeah because it was completely unknown and unpredictable in this 17 year old game.
horde racials were already better in pvp in classic.

and in BG’s and PVE.

im too lazy to explain it though so believe whatever you want to believe.
i dont know why some people are even trying to argue that horde racials arent superior.

enjoy your queues

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Yes, thats why 90% are UD and Orc xD

Next thing you will say is that people dont care about classes too, its about the same lvl of bs.


That is not what i said. I said i did it 17 year ago so i did now because i choosed Horde in past 17 years ago NOT for racials but i stick since this with horde.

It would have been a good time to test the other side now then, but you did not.

No i didnt because i decided in Past already to Join the Horde because i dont wanna be a Human in a Fantasy game. im already in RL and dwarfes and gnomes yeah… i could puke but thats my personal decision.

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I’am sory, but can you leave the topic? You have no clue, at all. You better stick with PvE and do not touch PvP at all.
It’s so hilarious. Man who don’t even understand how basic mechanics work, and don’t even know that rogue have poisions (blind was not the only one poision, surpise surpise), try to argue with experience players.

And shamans who clear roots with ghost wolf, oh my god, don’t listen to me, write more, I want to laugh more.

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However I see now why horde still can be overpopulated in TBC, because of people like those priests above me.
I believe, we have a chance to have horde overpopulated even in wotlk, because those will believe that humans are actually weak compared to wotf.

You’re quite good quoting text out of context, are you a monkey?