We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Guess the other 150 people that said the same thing took it out of context too ?

You do realize that specific classes benefit more from specific racials? Gnome’s Root/Snare Break is phenomenal for Warriors. Ghost wolf doesn’t break CC.

Human’s Perception no advantage? Did you even use it once? Esp. in a lock-comp where it has +16 yards stealth detection?

Shadowmeld is insanely powerful for stealth drinking & hunters?

NE have impr. stealth, hunters can feign + shadowmeld drink/eat, absorb spells like WL Coil. It’s amazing if properly used.

NE Druid is in every possible scenario > Tauren Druid for the reasons above. Tauren Stomp messes up Bash DRs, Rogue CCs & any other Stun which are the usual comps you’re playing with.

Sometimes I’m legit curious if you guys sit on low CR or just never played PvP at all.

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Lovely theoretical moves but like theoretical physics half of them won’t even apply.
Posted it in one of the other billion threats of horde whining for ques that ended up being a comparison of racial, so i’m gonna post it to you too. Just typical orc things, braindead passive on top of an alrdy useful active racial.


And as the slavic zug-zug orc that seem to use the same argument with you on “dO yOu GuYs PvP aT aLl, StAy On LoW cR nUbS” mentioned on the other post i’m talking about, the most popular setups are all with rogues who are extremely dependable on their stunlocks

I heard Blizzard is considering doing a forced faction change for Hordies complaining about queue times on the forums.

Meanwhile besides WOTF and warriors nothing else can break fear.

Except trinket, ice block, pala bubble, devour magic, tremor totem…

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I don’t even know why trinket was mentioned and if i rly have to explain why it shouldn’t. IB and divine are 2 cds that clear everything (just like trinket) while we are talking about skills that counter others. Tremor is the same as FW, needs to be used b4 the fear, it can’t be used while feared to break it.
About devour tbh i totally forgot that little piece of shiet. Sl/sl is such a pain in the @ that you lose count of all the annoying things he got. Pardon me

It’s not even worth discussing. Barring few specific scenarios, Horde racials are far better for PVP. The only advantage Alliance offers over Horde is the quick queues. I made the choice to roll Alliance only because of the quick queue times.


I know exactly how to fix que times.

UI BG que.

More players will que as they can do other things in the meantime and not be restricted to a major city and it’s surrounding areas, which in turn balances the win/loss ratio as you have a wider variety of players joining which also means more even que times.

You don’t need to do anything drastic to fix this issue. Just implement UI BG que, problem solved.

IB and divine are 2 cds that clear everything (just like trinket) while we are talking about skills that counter others

No you literally said that except WOTF and Warriors nothing else can break fear.

Meanwhile besides WOTF and warriors nothing else can break fear.

Things I mentioned can break fear. That’s why I mentioned trinket, tremor, devour, iceblock and bubble. Make an Undead priest, I will make a Dwarf and I will win 10/10 times against you in 2s because WOTF is not that OP as you think it is. It’s just ONE fear every 2 minutes, it’s not like you join an arena, use WOTF an you automatically win. You seriously sound like a 1600 player complaining about this and that. All of you complaining about racials should just learn to play honestly. If it was 20 years ago that you played TBC last time then I understand why you think WoF is OP. But the meta has changed and surviving as a priest without Stoneform is much harder than avoiding getting feared without WoF

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The best part about all this racial talk is people that rerolled or are rerolling from Alliance to Horde because they wanted to PvP trying to claim that “ackchyually Alliance have stronger racials”. I’m sure you rerolled to gimp yourself not to get an advantage.


I played classic for 3 months, leveled up a mage but got bored and quit quickly because I had no friends playing with me, also the pvp was sht and thats the only thing I still enjoy in this game. Friends started playing again now with prepatch, but they all went Horde, so I followed them, so you are completely wrong and if it was just up to me I would play a female dwarf priest, not UD priest.

If I thought there was any merit to what you are saying then I wouldn’t be posting from an Alli char in the first place, I’ve been playing TBC for like 6 or 7 years, so I know what’s OP and what isn’t, people like you or the guy before seriously don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to pvp on tbc

yeah and by the way all of you are forgetting Chastise on dwarf priest that when combined with Stoneform really is OP

Sorry to burst your bubble but some people have friends playing on different factions and have no problem in playing both. I have 4 60’s on each side. If it was me they’d remove racials altogether. I play where my friends are playing, be it alliance, horde, or both.

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And I’m sure your friends swaped to Horde (I’m assuming they did because you said they’re playing “again”) because they wanted to gimp themselves. Also do tell since you’ve been playing TBC for such a long time what’s the faction balance on pservsers like?


Which is completely fine. But I kind of doubt you’re planning to PvP much on your human warrior.

Some people are just bad “humans” that they have to bring up stuff which mostly not even true. To ruin Fun for others. Because they would “risk” that horde reduce queue times form 30 to 5 minutes and they increase from 1 to 2. But in same most Alliances are on Alli only or PvE Server and use the Queue and complain they have disadvantage in Open World which is in both cases not true lol

No they were not playing on vanilla Classic, I meant ‘again’ as in again with me on TBC like we used to play years ago. We played on pvp ‘tournament’ realms only and the majority was horde, but also the majority was sht in pvp, so that doesn’t prove anything. Maybe we are looking at it from different perspectives. If you are a bad or average player playing against equally skilled people, then I may agree that WoF would be better for you in most cases. Or if you are playing RM then for sure Undeads would be the best overall, mirrors would be better for Alli but most of the time it would be better for you tu be an UD.

But if you are aiming for higher ratings then WoF and Stoneform/Chastise is at least equal for a priest, probably better

I haven’t played TBC Private Servers. I’ve played Wrath Private once for a short time and thats it, though played all iterations since Vanilla.

I won’t deny that some rolled Horde because they prefer their Racials, while others started out as Alliance in Classic and did want to go back to Horde which we’ve been playing since Vanilla WoW. Then again it doesn’t matter for me. I like both, and would prefer to remove racials altogether in PvP for balance reasons.

Ooh that’s how it is. Most people on even tournament realms your friends included play Horde but it’s not because Horde have better racials overall (maybe not for every single class but overall) it’s because they’re bad players. I suppose I look forward to seeing you on top of the ladder since you’re so skilled (even with your apparently weaker racials).

I never said my friends played Horde on tournament realms, we played both Alli and Horde.

Ah I see it’s not that they’re better it’s just a personal preference thing. Great. And while disabling racials in PvP (or make it so you can select which racial you want in arena) would be great from a balance standpoint it’s something Blizzard has (as far as I know) never done even on retail so there’s about a 99.9% chance it won’t happen.

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